December 1, 2,000
Come, Cry Out!

Not much new. The struggle continues. Joseph Smith still anxious to reach living Mormons with the news of his ascension to Apostleship, and have them join in the Christmas Eve celebration. Unfortunately our postings on forums have brought only ludicrous responses. Joseph wants so much to have people come to the forums and say "We have heard the message. We believe! This is not a joke. This is not a farce, it is real. Come and join the celebration!"
One of the forums that we are on is The Salt Lake City Tribune, Trib Talk, that can be found at;

***Our material is no longer on this forum.***

Our posting is under Utah's Religion Debate, and the last time we checked was the second posting. It is entitled Glorious News. Come! Help Joseph, help spread his joy! Tell your listeners where to find this forum and have them join in. This is one of the most glorious occasions for the human race in untold ages. It should not pass virtually unknown. The whole world should know of it. The celebration should take place in Salt Lake City's great tabernacle and be broadcast to the world. It is a triumph not only for The Mormons, but for all who believe in The Light, and strive to overcome The Darkness.

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