December 4, 2,000
Insanity No Excuse

Below is the letter we have been mailing to editors of California newspapers this weekend. Still trying to get the word out. Have received a couple of really obnoxious replies. We find this extremely unfortunate from people that are supposed to be members of professional publishing organizations. We should think major newspapers would be a little bit more choosy in picking their staff. A simple request from them to be removed from our email list is quite acceptable. But insults and even threats because we disagree with their opinions on sexuality are quite improper. Other people have a right to their opinion even if it doesn't agree with yours. Professionals should understand this.


I am a Bearer Of The Light and I have something shocking and disturbing to tell you. Because of what the Los Angeles City Council is doing by persecuting The Boy Scouts because they will not accept homosexuality, good people are being kept out of Heaven. It would take a several page letter to explain to you why this is happening, but if you go to the web site addresses below, you will have a pretty good idea of why this tragic situation is occurring. Help us stop this tragedy! Make those in your state aware of it, and help us bring this tragic struggle to an end. The world depends on the people of California!


John Lennon still upset that George Harrison's attacker has not been sent to prison. "This farce of mental illness," he says, "is being used too much as an excuse when publicity seekers attack the famous to get their names in the papers, and that is the only reason this man attacked George. How long is the public going to put up with the excuse of mental illness as a way of getting people off serious criminal offenses for which they deserve to be punished for? The law must be changed so that insanity cannot be used as an excuse for assault and cold blooded murder. How long will it be before this animal is returned to the streets to attack, and, perhaps this time kill some innocent person? The law MUST be HAS to be changed!"
Those in The Afterlife still anxious to make John Lennon an Apostle. For details on how this incredible circumstance has come about, check our web site, giving information on how John Lennon has saved Heaven and Earth.

(The page that was linked here has been discontinued.)

Well, John Lennon saw the new movie about him on NBC last night. He says "I won't sue. Not too bad! Wish they could've got an Englishman though. But I guess Ireland's close enough. All the girls in The Angelic Choir think the guy is kind of cute! I won't comment on that. "
This ends John Lennon's comments.
The local college newspaper put out quite a story on us! It's on their web site. Check it out!

**This article is now on our web site! It can be found at****

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