V15 N1 P26

December 6, 2,000
Think Of The Miracle!

The struggle continues, but I wanted to make mention of a little miracle that other people should notice. Has it ever occurred to you how marvelous it is that the Presidential election hinges on the votes from the one state where Bush has the best chance of overcoming the democratic fix and winning the election, the one state in all of The United States where he has the best chance of winning the battle? Do you think this is mere coincidence? No, far from it! The Angelic Forces realizing the closeness of the struggle, put Their supreme effort into the Florida vote, knowing how key this state was. People in the material world actually died, actually gave up their material lives to give The Kingdom Of God the power to make this horrendous effort. They gave all They had in this horrendous struggle. That is why we must not fail. That is why Gore must not win under any circumstances. His cheating, his lies, and his lawyers' legal tricks must fail! The sacrifice of Those that gave so much must not be lost! It cannot be!
Linda is going to be trying to use the free online phone service today to get ahold of Bush's people, to try to make them aware of Lord Peter's offer of a truce and amnesty for Those caught in the terrible struggle between The United States and The Kingdom Of God. We hope she will succeed. Bush must be made aware of the opportunity that he has. All that has been sacrificed must not have been sacrificed in vain.
Noting another small miracle...we have been using Alta Vista free internet, which was originally working pretty good, but the last couple of weeks its banners have been crashing even our new computer. So, we finaly said enough, and got a paid internet service through our phone company, who gives you a reduction if you have an extra line. Last night we clicked on Alta Vista on the old computer and up came a notice that they were discontinuing their service as of December 10th because their provider was going out of business. We have been trying to find another free internet service for the old computer, but none of them will work because the computer doesn't have enough power. We got the regular service just in time, though we really didn't want to spend the extra money each month! Little miracles happen, they certainly do!

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