Old Worlds Technology

Old World Technology In a recent issue we were talking about how our transport technology made our mining operations far more efficient and environmental. The same technology made manufacturing environmentally sound, also. We didn't have to use blast furnaces to make steel, you merely transported some steel and got the arrival pattern, and then put in iron ore and carbon, and the transporter produced steel, seperating out the unwanted biproducts that could be used for other things.
Using force field technology in conjunction with transporters, you could make walls of solid granite with steel reinforcing rods inside. The applications were simply endless! A sculptor could make a clay model and then a mold from that, then take very low quality diamonds, or even diamond dust, transport it into the mold, and take out a sculpture made of pure high grade diamond. The same thing could be done with any raw material.
Large sculptures could be made out of pure ruby, sapphire, anything you wanted. The applications of this technology were simply endless! It was so much a part of everyone's every day life that it was simply not thought about. But we could not have gotten by without the technology, as it was involved in almost everything we used. The things that They could do on The Old Worlds isn't beyond imagination, but they are still incredible, nonetheless.

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