November 7, 2,000
It Has Begun!

The Hour is at hand! Either we stop Hillary & Gore today and bring back Jesus, or there is untold havoc.
Even as we write this message the chanting has begun in The Spirit World. Untold millions of voices crying the same message over and over again.."Don't vote Gore! Give us Jesus! Don't vote Hillary! Give us Jesus!" It is beginning to resonate on the east coast. The Angelic Messengers are preparing Themselves to go to the polls, to begin to bombard those voting with Their message. But you don't have to actually be at the polls to hear. If you have a soul left, if there is any Light left in you at all, if you care even the slightest bit, you should be able to feel the message. It should be reaching through you, resonating in you. You might not be consciously aware of it, but you should be able to feel that something is touching you, something is trying to tell you to do the right thing, speak out, tell the world what is happening. Save those who are trying to save you. Don't forsake Those who have loved you for so long.
Speak up and say "I hear the Angels! I know They're real. I know They're saying 'Don't vote Gore!' Please open your hearts! Please listen to the Angels! Vote for George Bush! Save the world and bring back Jesus!
Don't be among those in years to come saying "But Lord, I was only there, why should I have cared? It wasn't up to me. It was someone else's job. Yes, I heard, I knew, I felt. But it really wasn't up to me. Don't be one of those shown to the exit and told to be gone. Tell the world to listen to the Angels.
John Lennon was telling me that he once had a very long discussion with one of the other Beatles over rather or not there was an Afterlife. John told him that if he died first he'd send the message back telling his friend what the accomodations were like. John wishes he could remember who it was, for he would give him this message- "The living conditions in The Spirit Realm used to be A1, top of the line, couldn't get any better. Now they're 3rd rate, even 4th and getting worse daily.
When I first came here I was nurtured, pampered, taken care of. I was not preached to, nobody cursed me for the things I did wrong. I wasn't thrown into the fiery pit. I was asked to make some simple renouncements, and then allowed to go where I wanted to go and do what I wanted to do. A kind Soul checked on me from time to time and made sure I was doing all right. And when I was ready a kind and gentle Lady asked if she could come and visit me, and many days we sat in delightful conversation. And I slowly healed and began to function again. And when I was needed I was able to come out and help, do my small part to save the world.
But if I was to die today, if I died this moment, in the condition I was in then, I would not survive. The stabilizing energy that was used to comfort me, and keep my Soul from perishing no longer exists. It is being ebbed away by The Forces Of Darkness. If I was to die today, I would perish, I would cease to exist forever, I would never have been here to do the things I have done, to sing the songs I have sung, and to help others. People in the exact same condition I was in, when I died, are now perishing because there is no energy to save them.
The beauty I saw when I arrived here, is fading away, disintegrating, ceasing to exist, and Those here now struggle merely to survive. Give Souls like me a second chance! Give us a chance to go on. Let us correct our mistakes and find peace. Give others a chance, that when They are needed, when there is a desperate time that Their talents can do some good, that they can be there and answer the call, and do good for others. I am here and have the opportunity to beg of you to listen to The Angels, to listen to that message within you, and give it to others. Tell them 'Your Loved Ones are crying don't betray us! Don't vote for Gore, don't vote for Hillary. Forsake their evil. Return to The Light. Let others who are like me have a chance to do the good that they can do. Give others the opportunity to live forever. Your Soul is being touched, your Soul is hearing. Don't close your ears, don't close your heart. Love us as we love you!"
This ends John Lennon's comments. We wish to take this opportunity to thank him for all that he has done in this terrible struggle, and to express how glad we are that he was there, that the energy was there to save him, and beg of you to give us the energy to save others.

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