January 1, 2,001
John To George

Well, there was no New Year's celebration in The Spirit Realm this year.  They decided to conserve energy.  It was hoped the Apostleship campaign for John Lennon would draw some more energy, and perhaps They could have a real good celebration.  But the campaign is going real slow.  Though we have had some interest from both England, and, Australia, not enough petitions have arrived yet to be even worth mentioning.
Came across an article from a Spanish newspaper saying that George Harrison had complained that John and Paul had shunned him as The Beatles became more successful.  John was deeply saddened by this.  He admits he does not remember George as well as he does the others, but it really disturbs him that he feels this way.
"Everybody just went off on their own track," he said, "as we got more and more famous.  Everybody wanted their work to be featured more than others.  I deeply admire what all of the former Beatles did after we separated, and our individual talents began to show themselves, not being overshadowed by the others.  I think George has made great accomplishments in his own right, and should not feel overshadowed.  And I wish to have my good will transmitted to him that there comes to be the harmony of good feelings between us, as I hope, in time, there will be good feelings with all my old associates."
John tries so hard to remember things, but every time we come across a news story about something that happened to him and he doesn't remember it, it really disturbs him.  Linda found a story about him being in a car accident with Julian and being seriously injured.  John has no recollection of it, whatsoever, and it absolutely appalls him that even such dramatic incidences are gone!  As something like this is told to him he gets vague images of the incident, but they quickly fade away.
That he is so functional amazes me at times, having seen others who have been severely damaged by drugs I praise The Lords, Jesus & Mary, that They spent so much time with John, comforting him, and healing him, and made it possible for him to do what he has done.  As I have said before, one tiny miracle added on top of another one until they become a horrendous occasion.  The wisdom of The Lords Of Light is so far, far beyond us that we, who are in the flesh, simply cannot fully comprehend it.

January 2, 2,001

Well, the New Year is starting off with a bang!  Lord Peter called a gathering of all Christian denominations and announced that he was restoring all Catholic leaders to Their former posts except for a few that did not want to take the responsibilities of their old positions at this time.  The Mormon leaders who had been filling Their positions will return to Their former duties, or be assigned to other positions that desperately need to be filled because of the shortage of qualified leaders in the Afterlife.
Pope Anacletus (Cletus) was given the podium, and immediately made this decree.
"Having seen how he has held us together through these dark hours, when our situation was so desperate, I have heard the cries of my people for his elevation and do hereby, on behalf of all Catholics in The Afterlife, request of Lord Peter that John Winston Lennon, called by all of us Our Dear John, be elevated to the position of Apostleship that is now open and sorely needs to be filled.  I do hereby also decree that if any in our fellowship living or dead, shall in any way deny this individual's right to this Apostleship, or n any way try to hinder the efforts of Those trying to obtain this Apostleship for him, shall be forever banned from our fellowship.  They will not be denied entry into The Kingdom Of God, but they will never be recognized as members of our faith.  If they close their hearts to the Will Of God, they are not of God.
And I do also, hereby announce that because of the efforts that he has been putting forth on behalf of Those being kept out of Heaven because of the betrayal of Our Lord And Savior, and the war between The United States and The Kingdom Of God, I have, as soon as my powers were restored to me, ordained Frank Sinatra (Francis Albert Sinatra, born December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey)  a member of our holy fellowship and bestowed on him all rights and privileges there permitted, and appointed him special advocate of Those caught in this tragic struggle between the divine and the unholy, and do hereby state that when this conflict is concluded, a place of significant importance shall be found for him among our fellowship.  For it is, without question, that the work that he has done is by the Will And The Power Of God.
Having made these two elevations I give Lord Peter my profound thanks for restoring me to the position where I am allowed to do so.  And I pray to Almighty God, that nothing ever happens that we might be ever removed again from those positions which we hold so dear.  That the people of God never, ever, lose Their trust in us again!  Glory be The Name Of God forever!"
With this Pope Anacletus left the podium, and Peter concluded the gathering.  Not withstanding, Those who follow Catholicism in The Afterlife are elated!  The flow of energy in that sector has stabilized, and even begun to increase.  If we can only duplicate this phenomena in other Places!
There is a special edition of Voices From Spirit Magazine now online at;


There are a few new articles in it that haven't been email to anyone.  We hope you'll enjoy it.

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