January 11, 2,001
More Trouble

If anybody had tried to tell me a few years ago that insanity like this could happen anywhere in The Spirit Realm I would have told them they were insane, let alone to have these things happen in The Kingdom Of God is incredible!  We thought yesterday's foolishness was over then, three more unbelievable incidences occurred.
Reports reached Lord Peter that a high Catholic official was claiming that the lists found in Paul's office were fake, made up by some of John's associates, that Jesus would not have prepared such a list, so therefore, they had to be fraudulent.  Peter had the official and twenty of the women that had been appointed brought to The Hall Of Judgment.
"You deny," Peter said, "The Lord's Glory?  You deny His foresight?  You deny that this list was made according to His instructions?  Here are twenty of the women on that list!  Hear Their testimony."
Each woman came forth and explained how Paul had summoned her, how Jesus had interviewed her, then asked her to keep that interview confidential until such time as she was appointed to the position she had been interviewed for.  When they were all done, Peter asked the man again if he now called the list a fake.
"No, Lord," the man answered, "my apologies.  But you must understand the circumstances under which it was found were quite unusual, and made the occurrence questionable."
"I only understand," Peter answered, "that you have insulted an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and, his associates, and accused Them of fraud, and denied the foresight of Our Lord And Savior.  This time I will forgive you, but there is never to be another occurrence like this.  You will seek out every single person you told this tale to and explain to them that you were in error!  Then, you may go about your normal business.  But you will begin by going to the Apostle Designate, kneeling down before him and expressing your regrets that you accused him falsely.  Now go!"
"I will obey," the man answered, and departed.  Everyone thought the day couldn't get any worse.  Then an Angelic Guard entered and asked for a few moments of Peter's time.
"We have heard of something," he announced, "that you should be made aware of."
"Speak!"  Peter insisted.  The Guard seemed troubled. "Well?"  Peter insisted.
"Sir," the man managed, "there is a rumor going about that our beloved Paul did not sacrifice himself to energize The Kingdom Of God, but because Jesus was trying to make him ordain women, that he would not break The Law Of God, so therefore sacrificed himself to keep from having to do it."
Peter stared at the floor for several long moments, then rose his head.  "I see!" he managed, "I see.  Find the person responsible for this blasphemy.  Take him to the nearest gate, remove his crown, and put him out of The Kingdom Of God. Do not bring him to me.  I will not hear his plea.  Simply send him forth and others can deal with his foulness. I will have nothing to do with him!  Go!"
The Guard bowed and answered "Yes, sir," and left.
Fortunately it turned out this individual was not a Catholic, but a member of the orthodox faith.  Those passing the rumor were tracked down, and the spread of it was stopped.  But that it even started, that it was even considered, was unthinkable only a couple of years ago.
Things are getting better, but there's a lot, a lot to do.
And this isn't the end of it!  Barely had this incident been dealt with, than an emissary arrived from Pope Cletus, informing Peter that a dissident leader was organizing a boycott of the sabbath celebrations conducted by women, that he was encouraging the members of Their congregations not to go in protest to Their assignments.  Peter immediately issued an approclaimation.
"Be it known," it began, "that word has reached me that certain people are organizing boycotts of the sabbath celebrations to be conducted by the new Appointees recently assigned by The Apostle Designate, John Lennon.  Be it known, here and now, clearly and without any question, any person that boycotts these sabbath celebrations in protest of the new leaders assigned to them had best leave The Kingdom Of God because if they do not, after those sabbath celebrations are completed, they will be expelled.  If they will not show their religious leaders the respect and homage that They are due, as Servants Of Jesus Christ, they are not members of His Sacred Family and therefore do not belong in His Kingdom!  I issue this order that all may understand with perfect clarity, what they are choosing if they choose not  to attend their sabbaths.  This ends my proclamation.  Peter, Ruler Of Heaven."
This is gonna be an interesting sabbath!  Just how far are these people willing to go?  We'll find out Friday, at sunset, Jerusalem time.

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