January 19, 2,001
True, But..

Got this sad letter from one of the emails that we sent to Australia.

correct me if i'm wrong but didn't this bloke lead all our kid's astray in the use of drugs?.........what an idol, idol nothing!.........my daughter is destroyed by drugs from idols just like him!  ther are better things to do in life ...........

This gentleman is partially right.  John Lennon did use drugs.  But he encouraged others to use them very little.  His deepest regret is that he used drugs in front of his children.  He now fully supports the position of The Kingdom Of God and all the other Spiritual Kingdoms that the manufacture, transportation, and sale of illegal drugs should be capitol offenses because the people dealing in this disgusting business are worse than murderers.  They do not just kill the body, but they damage the immortal Soul and often lead people into practices that cause The Second Death.
John admits he is not perfect....far from it.  But neither were any of the other Apostles. And They stand behind John 100%!  Already a tremendous bond has grown between Them and him.
Peter says "Before I met The Lord I was known more than once, to have indulged in too much wine, to have been cruel to my wife, and done other things that would have been considered very improper; not only in my own time, but in the modern age.  But I heard a Voice, I saw a Man, and I understood what He was saying, what He was trying to tell others, and that changed me forever.
Now John Lennon has heard that Voice, has seen that Man, and has served Him better than anyone else at the time and moment could have served Him.  He is worthy of our fellowship.  What was in the past is gone, it is done, it is over.  What matters is what Our Dear John has done now.  In our darkest hour he held us together.  When The Lord had forsaken us he would not let us give up.  He led us in the fight and we have won back The Lord.  He again abides with us.  An Apostle is not chosen for what he was, but for what he is.  If I had been judged by what I was, Jesus would never have accepted me, but instead he saw what I had become and laid upon me the keeping of His Kingdom.  He forgave my sins, as He has forgiven John's sins and made us one with Him.  What more can I tell you?  What more can be said."
Despite this sad response we are continuing our outreach to Australia, as John still believes this is the place where his Petition Drive will first take root.  So we continue to concentrate on reaching people in this country.  As we mentioned yesterday, other candidates for the Apostleship that John has been temporarily appointed to are beginning to appear.  John is still the most popular candidate.  But we need the Petitions to prove to those in The Afterlife that what John has done is recognized and believed in, and that they support the efforts he is now making.  Go to our web site!  Check out the Petition!  Print it out, sign it, send it to us.  Every one counts.  Make extra copies.  Show them to your friends.  Ask them to sign.



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