John Lennon's First Speech
As An Apostle Designate

This is the first time I get to speak to you.  I am not a speech writer, I am a song writer.  Some people say there's little difference.  A song is nothing but a speech to music.  I don't know.  They may be right!  But as I speak to you this morning I will use some song lyrics...not all mine, but that will, in no way, lessen their meaning.
I have certainly had a hard day's night, and should be sleeping like log.  But that which I am doing energizes me, and that keeps me going.  I cried out "Help!  I need somebody!"  and a whole lot of somebodys came.  And I most certainly did get by with a little help from my friends.  They say that I'm a daydream believer, well if I am, that's all right by me, because it's a wonderful dream.  They asked me why I do this, and the answer is simple......Mother Mary came to me and said "Let it be."
We have journeyed down that long and winding road, and come to a place where we must make a stand. But we will most certainly stand together!  For someone has put more than a little love in our hearts, and we certainly have to let that love light shine.  After all, love is all you need!  Let your love grow.
A few days ago some gentlemen stood below this very spot and sang "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!"  Well if They keep me at this job, that's certainly going to be true!  What I've done so far is only the beginning of what I intend to do.  We SHALL overcome someday.  There is no question the hour will come.   For we have a hammer to bang, a bell to ring, and a song to sing.  Nothing can stop us if we ride this train to glory.  We don't even have to steer, the tracks that have been laid down before us will tell us where to go.  we only have to feed the boiler and keep the train moving.  We're on the road again!
It has been a long, dark night. But there's got to be a morning after. The sun most certainly is rising like a red rubber ball, and lighting a new day.  Yes, here comes the sun!  We can make that day great.  We can come together, right now.  Nothing can stop us if we don't want to be stopped.  Nothing can hold us back if we keep to the dream and keep a little love in our hearts.  Someday we'll find that rainbow connection.  Then, love will keep us together.
We have won a victory, but we are sorely wounded.  And in order to rise above the clouds to the sunshine we must heal those wounds and become strong as we were before.  In order to do that we must make some changes, do some unheard of things, we must build a bridge over these troubled waters and overcome the difficulties that are now before us.  Some are angry with what I've done, they do not want it to be.  But it has to be.  And because one greater than I has laid the foundation for what I am doing, it HAS to be.
I ask you to put aside these differences, to understand that what we are doing is an effort to bring the sunshine on a rainy day.  And we can if we work together. We can work it out.
You know, I can imagine a lot of things, and do you want to know a secret?  I think in the end, love will keep us together.  We all just have to remember what a wonderful world it could be.  We must continue to move forward, but also remember yesterday.
Well, I think that's enough.  I'm sure you're tired of listening to me.  But I want you to know I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm doing the best I can.  And I hope that in the end, all will be right with man. Good day.

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