April 20, 2,001
Jesus To Paris "Pray For me!"

There has been a profound increase in psychokenetic energy in France. Most European countries have been barely holding their own for the last few years, but now, suddenly, the very essence of life in France is increasing and travelling along its natural passageways to Paris, the focal point of France's energy flow. For a few days Paris will be pouring the very essence of life into The Afterworld, energizing It and fortifying It as it has not done for many years!
At this time Jesus Of Nazareth, called The Christ, asks the people of Paris to pray for Him, to direct this power to Him, and enable Him to continue His battle against The Darkness in The United States, to aid Him in His struggle to end the war between that great nation, and His Kingdom. This is the prayer Jesus would like to have the people of Paris and, of all of France, pray for Him on sunset Friday, April 27, 2,001.
"Our Father, who art in Heaven, Glory be Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Our Divine Father, Source Of Life And Truth, I pray to You this day on behalf of Your Beloved Son, Oh Lord, Jesus Of Nazareth, called The Christ. I ask, Oh Lord, that You receive the power that I send to You, gather it from all others that send it to you, and return it to Your Beloved Son. Empower Him, Oh Lord, to reach The President Of The United States, George Bush. Empower Him, Oh Lord, that The President hear Your Son's message and ends the blasphemous Israeli Land For Peace Initiative, and accepts Father Abraham's Plan For Peace...a seperate land for The Palestinian People outside of Israel.
As I pray to You, Oh Lord, I give you all that I am, for Your Beloved Son, in this Divine Purpose to bring peace to the world. I give Him my body, I give Him my mind, I give Him my immortal Spirit. I give Him all that I am, Oh Lord, to empower Him on This Great Purpose to fulfill Your Word and bring peace unto the world. This I pray in the blood that was shed for me on behalf of my sins, now and forever. Amen." Jesus asks not only that Christians repeat this prayer, but He asks that those of the Jewish and Muslim faiths enter also, into this moment of prayer, that the energy of all those that are a part of The Kingdom Of God be directed to The Father In Heaven, so that He can return that energy to Jesus, so Jesus can accomplish His Purposes.
These are dark and foreboding times. We have been told again and again, by people from around the world that nobody cares about Jesus any more. He has been rejected by the people of Australia, and, of South Africa, when He called for their help. Will He be rejected by the people of Paris, as well? Will they say "I will not be bothered. Jesus is a thing of the past. I am a modern person, I do not need such nonsense!" Or, will those that say they believe really believe and rally to their Lord, and, do His Will, or wil they be like those that betrayed Him in His Own Kingdom because they thought economic prosperity was preferrable to The Love Of God? Which will the people of Paris choose? Will they embrace The Light or, turn away and choose to walk into The Darkness? What will it be?
If you would like more information on these profound times, on why Jesus is making this incredible request, check out our web site at;


Click on Why This Is Happening. It gives an outline of what has been occurring in the last few years, in this horrendous struggle to save mankind.

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