April 27, 2,001
Heaven Gets Kerrey

Senator Bob Kerrey was one of the most important people in Washington, a decorated war hero, a successful governor, and promising senator, on the fast track to become President Of The United States. He would have been Hillary Clinton's vice president, then probably President, himself. But he made a big mistake. President Clinton's evil was exposed, justified impeachment proceedings begun, but Kerrey went with his party and voted against impeachment. Though he knew Clinton was totally guilty and should have been impeached he did what his party wanted and drew the wrath of The Kingdom Of God, got on their short list for damnation and Eternal Death.
Now Kerrey has been exposed for what he is. It has been made public that he became a war hero by murdering unarmed women and children, dragging them from their houses, lining them up, and shooting them. It has been shown his character is no better than those he blindly obeys, doing whatever they ask for the promise of political power. The Kingdom Of God has destroyed any hope of him ever becoming President. They will make sure he is hounded for what he did until the end of his life, and then he will meet Eternal Death. What fools these mortals be! They think they can stand against The Power Of Heaven, they think they can follow man's will and keep their secrets, that their evil will never be exposed. But there are those watching and waiting, merely for an opportunity. The voices of these Viet Namese people were crying from the grave for justice, for honor, for dignity, that those that murdered them not be rewarded for their innocent deaths. Now Their voices have been heard, and justice has been done. Watch the people on this list. Watch those who betrayed mankind. Who will The Kingdom Of God get next?

**THis issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at its new location.**

It's No Joke!!

People laugh at our abilities. They consider everything we say a joke. But they have very short memories. Back in February, 1997, we announced to the world that Jesus had pronounced an Edict ordering all who worshipped God to leave California. Everyone snickered, said "Big joke! California's a wonderful place. It's a great climate. We've got it made here. Why should we leave?" Simply look at what has happened to California in these last four years. Everything that normally happens there, as far as weather goes, seems to have tripled in intensity. The electrical service has become so completely snarled that areas are having to go without power in order to keep the state running. Scandal after scandal has rocked the state police departments. Politicians have proven themselves to be either totally inadept or, corrupt. The Kingdom Of God seems to be doing a pretty good job on California! And, it seems to be spreading. I think in the end it is we who will be having the last laugh, and, The Kingdom Of God.

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