May 28, 2,001
Documentary Is Ready! & Joan Of Arc Doesn't Hate

It is with the greatest joy we announce that the British documentary producer Barnaby Snow, has finished his hour long work on our struggle to defeat Al Gore in the US elections, "Where Has Eternity Gone?" It contains many of John Lennon's new songs written for that campaign. We do not find it strange that Barney has finished this work and it is ready to distribute just as The Kingdom Of God's efforts begin to influence the British elections. Barney is looking for sponsors to put this work on t.v.. If you would be interested, send us your contact information and we will forward it to Barney. We are sure this is a work that will have a great deal of public interest.
Got one of those stupid comments the other day that you really don't think deserves an answer, but that you have to comment on. Someone said "You can't be real. You are saying Joan Of Arc is helping the English. Joan Of Arc hates the English. She fought the English. She would not do them any service. What you're saying is preposterous! No one would believe you!"
We find it hard to believe that such ignorance exists. Joan Of Arc is a Bearer Of The Light. She fought evil, not a nationality, or even individuals. Even in her own time she taught her people to be kind to English prisoners, that it was the leaders, not the people themselves, that were responsible for the evil. Joan has dedicated herself to care for French soldiers who have taken the wrong path and are suffering in The Darkness, but she is also the focal point of French love and kindness, the perfect conduit to transmit the energy they are generating to The British so They can use it to save the world. Presented with such an opportunity Joan would use it without question, especially if Jesus asked her to put her full efforts into the project. She would refuse Jesus nothing, and probably sacrifice her own Soul to have Him regain His Throne.
We have had some strange comments in the past from those trying to deny the truth of our efforts, but this is one of the strangest we have ever received, and I'm sure it is a minority opinion, that most of the people in the world understand fully Joan's nature, and know that she will serve the good with every bit of her Being. Nothing else could be.

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