May 31, 2,001
Not A Local Issue

The struggle to save mankind and the world continues, but it seems to be a lonely one. Those in The Afterlife seem to be getting very little support in Their efforts. We are getting strange emails from English newspapers saying "Kindly do not email us any more. We only deal with local issues." Aren't elections local issues? Isn't the fact that your current leadership is plotting to take away all your legal rights a local issue? Isn't the fact that the entire Afterlife is in danger of collapsing and mankind perishing a local issue? I mean, if everybody in your community starts to die, isn't that a local issue? I think the people of the communities served by these papers would think so, wouldn't you? We find this attitude very hard to understand, but we are continuing our efforts nonetheless.
John Lennon has modified his song, "Listen To The Angels" that was so successful in the American elections, to oust Gore, for the British elections. He has changed only three words in one verse, but that is enough to get the point across. Verse two of "Listen To The Angels" now reads

2. They want the world to stay alive, They want the human race to survive
Listen to the Angels when They talk on election day.
They know New Labour musn't win, They know they have too many sins.
Listen to the Angels when They talk on election day.

For the full text of this song visit our web site at;

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While John Lennon is leading the English, Joan Of Arc is going into the dreams of thousands of French school children, explaining to them what is happening, and that they need to pray for the people of England and empower God to save them, and, all the world. The effort seems to be working. The increase of psychokenetic energy from France is rising, and continues to be channeled to the English in The Spirit Realm to be used in Their efforts to defeat Tony Blair and Labour.
Those in The Afterlife are still struggling, still hoping to repeat Their success in The United States and in Israel, and keep England a democratic nation. If only Those among the living were supporting Them more. We have learned from the producer of the documentary about our Work with John Lennon during the American Elections is 49 minutes long. Plenty of room for commercials and a little add on about current issues. Still looking for sponsors.

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