June 12, 2,001
Who Judged McVeigh?

Got a strange comment yesterday about what happened to Timothy McVeigh.  We were asked how could we do this to this poor soul?  That what we did was akin to murder.  We never gave this person a chance, never gave them an opportunity to adjust to The Afterlife, but destroyed him without the slightest bit of pity or compassion.  Who made us judge, jury, and executioner?  What right do we have to condemn another soul without understanding his reasons for what he did?
Well, actually, we were only executioners, if you want to call what we did an execution.  Those Who Rule The Afterlife were Timothy McVeigh's judges.  They passed judgment on his deeds, and made the decision whether or not his existence was worthy of continuance.  As for his jury, all those that he murdered weighed his innocence and guilt, and it was Their final decision whether an effort should be made to save him, or rather he should be destroyed completely to keep him from becoming a further danger to others.  There was not one voice among them, not one voice among the families of those who McVeigh murdered asking for pity or compassion.  All universally asked that he be destroyed, forever, before that that he was corrupted others and led them to eternal destruction.
We have no power in The Kingdom Of God, ourselves, whatsoever, other than being advocates for our own people in The Hall Of Judgment.  All else we do in Their Name we do because They temporarily empower us to do so.  We have been Their hunters and destroyers for untold ages, because this is what we do best, and when They tell us, "This one is evil.   Those in The Afterlife have judged, tallied and weighed him, and he has been found wanting, dispose of him before he does more harm to others!"  we do what They ask without the slightest hesitation, without the slightest thought, because we know how profound is Their Wisdom.   They know what is right and, what is wrong.  Others placate evil, excuse evil, say it's not all right for others to do this, but it's all right for us to do it.  We do not, and we warn those that do to beware!  For Those that are worthy of doing the judging are judging them, and when They tell us to act we WILL act, without concern, whatsoever, of what mankind may think of our actions.  That's the way we are, and the way we will always be.

June 13, 2,001
Tell Your Bosses Off!

Hadn't intended another email this week but something unusual came up.  Some of our regulars, Tim, Bev & Bad Dog, WEGR, Memphis TN, have been asking us to get some comments from Stevie Ray Vaughn.  We have been having a great deal of difficulty getting any cooperation from ordinary people lately.  They simply do not want to be involved with us.  My Spirit Worker went to Mr. Vaughn several times and he refused to even speak with her.  Finally he granted her an interview, and said,  "Look, lady, I really don't want to have anything to do with your bosses.  I think they're the worst things that ever came along.   Just go away and leave me alone."
My Worker, being rather curious at this statement, asked him "Why?  I'm sure those in the material world would want to know your reasons why you think my associates are so terrible when they're doing such great work for all of mankind."
Mr. Vaughn answered "Because they're messing up mankind, lady.  Because they're causing everything that is happening here.  Look!  Think about it.  Other people over there with the living wouldn't cooperate with the Leaders over here, wouldn't do Their dirty work, wouldn't tell people what was going on.  So the Leaders couldn't do anything.  But your bosses have to be obedient, have to do whatever the Leaders over here tell them like happy little puppets.  And now they've got things royally messed up!  If they'd have just left things alone, if they'd have just let people believe everything over here was wonderful and that the little things happening in the material world didn't matter, eventually it would have straightened itself out and everything would be fine.  But no!  They have to mess up everybody's minds, they have to tell the bad things that are happening, and try to make everybody do things their way.  And they have to take our heroes, those that were against war and struggle when they were alive, and turn them against us, make them work for the Leaders over here.  A lot of us don't like it, lady!  A lot of us think we have a right to do the things we want to do, to live the way we want to live, and not have to worry that we're going to be punished for it because others don't like our lifestyle, the way we look at things.
And you people destroy those that try to fight back, that try to have their issues heard. No, I don't want to have anything to do with your bosses, lady, nothing at all!  I have one message for the living that a few will understand, but that's the only thing I wanna say.  I'm not going to help in your little war.  I'm not going to fight your happy fight.  Just tell my friends over there I'm doing really well.  I'm entertaining everybody by standing on my head in the corner and playing the ukulele.  They'll understand what it means.  Now, get lost lady!  Tell your bosses to get lost, 'cause the majority of people don't like them.  They don't like the truth, They just want to be left alone and believe what They want to believe and feel that its perfectly o.k.  They don't need others to tell Them They can't."
I really don't think Mr. Vaughn likes us.  I really don't think he likes us at all!

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