June 26, 2,001
Mary Won't Return

We have been asked that since the situation in the world is improving quite a bit, is there any possibility of Mary returning to Earth?  Our work with John Lennon started when he wrote "Come Abide With Us Again" for her departure.  Is there any possibility he could be writing a song soon, for her return?
Sadly, no.  Mary has made it positively clear there is only one circumstance that will bring her back to Earth..when her people, the people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, storm The Temple Mount and all other sacred places in Israel that belong to Them, and declare that they are Theirs forever, and will never be surrendered to any other people.   These are the only circumstances that will bring Mary back to Earth.  That is why every Christian in The Afterlife supports the unquestioned sovereignty of Israel.  Because if Israel is broken up, if Jerusalem is given to the Arabs, Mary will never return to Earth.  She is doing an incredible job in The Galactic Community, serving as an impartial mediator helping them settle disputes.  But she longs to come back to her children.  She longs to return to those she loves.  But she cannot, and will not do so until the rights of her people are guaranteed, and no claims on Their land by anyone, are respected.  Israel belongs to the descendants of Israel, no one else!  Sadly, these are Mary's conditions for returning home.
Things here are going slowly.  Linda has fifty more back issues of the magazine to type before we can consider very much new work.  Sadly, we must report that the energy that had been rising in France has stabilized.  It is not decreasing, but it is no longer growing.  Again, we wish we could duplicate this phenomena elsewhere, but we do not exactly understand what triggered the increase, as we have been doing nothing different in France than we have been doing any place else!  France has a lot more capability.  We are hoping that this is a temporary slow down, and that in the future power levels will start to rise again.  But if the increase stays at its current levels it will be most beneficial.

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