July 16, 2,001
Rebellion Against Jesus Grows

The situation in The Afterlife continues to be bad.  A situation happened with this week's sabbath that I have a very difficult time to even describe!
The entire Catholic leadership in The Afterlife refused to serve their people on the sabbath, refused to conduct their duties because so many of their people are secretly resisting Jesus, preferring their Earthly leaders.  No Catholics in The Kingdom Of God this sabbath had any religious services.  Apparently the Catholic leadership did this to make their followers understand that they will tolerate no disloyalty to Jesus.
Of course this threw the entire Kingdom Of God into chaos!  The rank and file Catholics upset because they could not take part in the sabbath, angrily went to the streets expressing their displeasure, and discourse arose between them and other denominations....not real fighting, just some very loud discussion; but discourse, nonetheless.  Of course this caused a drop in the energy levels of The Kingdom Of God.  They had to cut back on Their work for several hours before things returned to normal, and They could reestablish Their full efforts.
One of the things that the Catholics are against is Jesus' efforts to turn President Bush away from the anti-abortion effort, which the material church strongly supports.  They resent Jesus' proclamation that the teachings of the anti-abortionists are blasphemous, because they say that man can destroy a Soul, and Jesus says this is untrue, the Soul of an aborted child will simply go on to another body and perform the mission that God intended for it.  Man cannot stop God's efforts, they can hinder them, they can interfere with them, but they cannot stop them.  Any teaching that they can, is blasphemy.
This underlying rebellion against Jesus' rule in The Kingdom Of God is really disturbing everyone!  And, as we have said, the only hope we have of defeating it, of restoring the normal energies to The Kingdom Of God, is to succeed in The Apostleship Campaign for John Lennon.

**This issue of Voices From Spirit is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at its new location!**

We desperately need those Petitions to prove to Those in  The Afterlife that the people of Earth still believe in Jesus' Power, that they still believe He can perform miracles.
These are indeed our darkest hours.

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