July 26, 2,001
John Lennon Back On Duty

We have some encouraging news this morning that has lifted everyone's Souls in The Afterlife.  Encouraged by how well the video about The Kingdom Of God's election campaign against Al Gore came out, and realizing that his absence was doing too much harm, John Lennon has returned to his post as Apostle Of Religious Assignments.  Though he warns the enemy he can be on duty with sword and shield right outside his house, in a moment's notice, so he's still taking part in the fight in several ways!
John has also written a new song that we don't have the lyrics to yet, called "You're Not Going To Steal My Soul!"  Everyone in The Kingdom Of God is overjoyed!
We got one of those questions yesterday that we have a hard time answering.  Not because we don't know the answer, but because the answer is so difficult.  We were asked "What will eventually happen to this false Christ and his followers?"  Sadly, the answer is they are doomed.  Sooner or later their false kingdom will crumble.  When it does they will wander off into The Darkness and suffer The Second Death, hopefully, quickly, but sadly some of them may suffer in anguish for years before they finally succumb to nonexistence.  Nothing outside a Soul can destroy it.  A Soul is naturally immortal.  Only that which is within it can destroy it.  And when it opens itself up, when it lets The Darkness in, when it puts the teachings of man before the Teachings of The Divine, when it accepts The Darkness rather than The Light it is doomed.  This sad pope and many of those around him have chosen Eternal Death.  They prefer the teachings of their material leaders, they say that material wealth is preferable to honesty, decency and honor.  They say that the innocent may be sacrificed for the greater good of the majority, that the sacred land may be given away to buy false peace.  They have opened themselves to Eternal Night and have begun to decay from within.  They will not be abandoned, there are Those that will try to help them to the bitter end, try to get them to reject The Darkness and return to The Light.  But for many of this false Messiah's followers it has become too late.  They have betrayed The Light in The Afterlife where all Truth is known.  They have heard the words of The Givers Of Light, but they have preferred the ways of Darkness and abandoned them and called them liars.  For them there is no way back.
When the living are deceived there is a certain amount of pity and compassion, understanding.  But when those in The Afterlife chose deception over truth..well, you can understand.  They had The Light, they chose The Darkness.  How many ways can it be said?  How many times can they be saved?  They have given up Eternity.  If the power levels were better, if there were petitions coming in, if Jesus' miracles were believed, perhaps many could be saved.  But under the current conditions The Dark One (Bill Clinton) who is so determined to destroy the Earth and all that dwell on it has claimed more Souls, and come far closer to succeeding in his purpose.   Sadly, that is the fate of those who have chosen to follow this Anti Christ.

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