May 18, 2,001
Hooray For France!

As the English in The Afterlife prepare Their campaign to oust Tony Blair and The Labour Party in England, being led by someone called The Earl Of Huntingdon, They are not getting the majority of the energy to carry on this campaign from the English.  They are actually getting it from France.
For some unknown reason that Those in The Afterlife cannot explain, there is an upwelling of psychokenetic energy in France, the very stuff of life, the power that sustains The Afterlife and allows Them to influence and help the living.  The Spiritual Forces in France, led, of course, by Joan Of Arc, (no one else could do the job!) are drawing all this energy that They can through the portals in France, channeling it to dear Joan.  She is then channeling it to John Lennon, formerly of The Beatles, and he is channeling it to the English Spirits carrying on the campaign. John Lennon is also using some of this energy to channel his music through Speaker Linda J. Polley.  His latest effort is a rewrite of "Stand Up!"  the song which helped Those in The Spirit Realm defeat Al Gore and elect George Bush.  The song for the English campaign is called "Come On, England, Scream & Shout!" 
The lyrics to this song may be found at;

It was hoped that some of the increase in energy now coming from France could be used to reopen some of the entertainment centers in The Afterlife and restore a bit of normality There, but instead, everyone overwhelmingly agreed that it was more important to use this energy in an effort to save the English democracy and insure England would continue to be a stabilizing force in the world.
These are strange times, indeed!   The battle to save the world and, mankind, is now centered in England, but the energy to carry on that battle is being generated and given by the people of France.  Let us hope Their efforts are successful, and after the English elections proper energy flows return to England, and the current crisis in The Afterlife passes.  But right now everyone in The Afterlife of every faith, of every descendancy, of every nation, is crying one thing; Hooray for the French!

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