August 17, 2,001
Jesus To Geraldo; "Interview Me!"

Imagine you are a reporter, a rather successful reporter, and someone comes to you with this proposition.  Jesus Of Nazareth speaks through me.  Right now He is struggling in a horrendous battle with The Anti Christ to save mankind and, the world.  He wants to tell the world about it, and offers you two hour interviews over a two day period.  Would you be willing to take that interview and publicize it?  Would you want that responsibility to interview The Son Of God and tell the world what is happening with Him, what His current desires and goals are?
Fantastically this offer has been made to several prominent media personalities, and they have refused to accept it.  They have been too frightened to speak with The Son Of God.  Now the offer is being made again to Geraldo Rivera.  He is being offered an opportunity to interview Jesus, an opportunity to tell the world what is happening to Jesus, and how He feels about it, perhaps the greatest interview in history.  But how do you reach Mr. Rivera?  How do you let him know about this opportunity?  How do you explain to him what is happening, and that you are real, while others are false?  We don't know!  We have been trying to reach Mr. Rivera for years, but as far as we know none of our messages have ever reached him.  Shouldn't he be made aware of what The Son Of God is offering?  Shouldn't he at least have an opportunity to consider this history making moment?  We think so, but do others?
 If anyone has contact with Mr. Rivera kindly make him aware of this opportunity and have him contact us.  This window of opportunity cannot be left open forever.  We are not sure how long we will be able to keep this offer open.  The ebbs and flows of the current battle make it difficult to determine, but we will keep the offer available as long as we can.  But the sooner we get a response from Mr. Rivera, one way or another, the better off we are.  Because if he does not want this opportunity, if he fears The Son Of God, it needs to be passed to someone else, because Jesus desperately wants to speak to the world and be heard.  Will you help Him do so?  Will you tell him Jesus is calling to him and saying "Mr. Rivera, help me save the world. Help me save mankind.  Interview me."?

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