September 13, 2,001
They Died Without Honor

I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Ruler Of Heaven.  I have been asked to give some more detail on what happened to the terrorists that attacked The World Trade Center in New York, and, The Pentagon in Washington, how they fared in The Afterlife.  Actually there are very few details to give.  Each incident was almost exactly the same.  Over a period of perhaps 45 minutes Angelic Guides picked up these individuals and guided them to the parts of The Afterlife where they wanted to go.  When they were among their people they began to boast that they had glorified Allah.  Some cried that they had avenged their people, avenged their defeat, the murder of their soldiers, in their just cause.
Immediately those they had gone to began to scream at them.  They called them liars, they called them fools, they called them murderers.  They began to beat and then stone them.  In horror the terrorists fled into The Darkness surrounding The Afterlife begging for mercy, and asking their people what they had done.  But their people continued to pursue them screaming "You have served The Devil!  You have done his will!  You have doomed us all! You have not glorified God!"  for only a few moments. (None of the terrorists lasted over ten minutes in The Afterlife.)  These poor souls suffered the pain and anguish they had caused others, then their souls, unable to withstand the pressure within, swelled and burst, disintegrated into nothingness, and these individuals ceased to exist, forever.  They suffered The Second Death, The Eternal Death.
This is what happens to those that kill the innocent in the name of God.  It is what has happened to them from the beginning of time.  They listened to evil men. They did evil and called it just.  They murdered the innocent for their lust and greed, and then they paid The Eternal Price.  A soldier who fights for his country with honor, and defends his land against aggression, is honored and praised by his Beloved.  Cold blooded murderers, those who try to force their will on others, suffer Eternal Damnation and Eternal Death.  Understand, do not be fooled by what men tell you.  God loves His children.  If you murder them you WILL endure His wrath!  This is what has happened to the eleven terrorists that have entered The Afterlife seeking to be glorified.  It is a fate you would want?

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
Now And Forever,


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