September 24, 2,001
The Power Of John Lennon


I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven.
I come to you today to tell you how encouraged We in The Afterlife are with Our success using the power generated by The World Trade Center victims to shift 2% of the Immortal Souls in the world to mortal Souls.  This effort has shown profound and blessed results.  The Anti Christ has been unable, this weekend, to launch any attacks against The Holy Of Holies.  The area of The Spirit World they have taken over has begun to destabilize.  they must leave at least a third of their forces in their own territories at all times to maintain temporal stability.  This means they can put far less people into the battles.  Instead, The Anti Christ is sending his forces on almost constant attacks against Jesus at The White House, and at Camp David, wherever President Bush happens to be.  They are trying desperately to drive Jesus away from Bush.
There are pitched Spiritual battles around Bush every hour on the hour, 24 hours a day. All the reinforcements available in the vicinity are being sent to protect Jesus so He can continue His mission of trying to convince Bush to end the current Mid East Peace Process, swear that Jerusalem belongs to The Israelis, and will forever belong to the Israelis and to accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan that a new home will be made for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  Some people say this is a very bad time to make such an announcement, to make such a proposal that The United States needs the support of The Arab Nations and that The Kingdom Of God should understand and not insist on this pronouncement.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  The attacks on the United States were carried out to force it to concede to The Palestinians' demands, to the fundamentalists' demands.  The United States must announce to the world and to The Arab People that they will not be forced into such concessions.  The terrorists must not be allowed to accomplish their goal, which is to destroy Israel.  The true leaders of Islam know that Jerusalem can never be surrendered, that their peoples have no claim to it.  They know Mohammed rose to his glory at Mecca, not Jerusalem, and that the false teachings spread by those who want to take Jerusalem for their own greed and power should be opposed.  They know, in their hearts, that Israel must be left alone and the conflicts with it ended, or all will be destroyed.
If The President Of The United States stands fast, speaks the truth clearly and forcefully, and seeks to make a home for The Palestinians outside of Israel, a land that will be theirs unquestioned, now and forever, The Arab People and The Islamic People will rise up and say "Yes, this is the way it should be, this is the way God declared, this is the way The Prophet intended. Let us have true and lasting peace.  Let the lies end, and let us be led by Those that follow The Truth.  The fanatics do not lead people to Glory, they lead them to Eternal Death.  And The True Followers of Islam want Eternal Light, not Eternal Night."  And if they are made to understand that this is God's Plan, The Plan Of Father Abraham, Moses, and Mohammed, and, of all of their people that dwell in The Kingdom Of God, they will accept.
Now is the time!  As The United States deploys its forces, The Kingdom Of God is also deploying Its forces, ready to back American troops on the sea, in the air, and on the land.  But until President Bush ends the war between The United States and The Kingdom Of God They cannot.
The Kingdom Of God stands ready.  It wants to be the ally of The United States, It wants to be the ally of all the people fighting with them.  It wants to minimize the losses on all sides.  But It can do nothing. It must stand by, Its Forces must stand by and watch the carnage without raising a hand until President Bush says clearly and distinctly "All of Israel belongs to Israel, now and forever.  All of Jerusalem belongs to Israel and will never EVER be surrendered to anyone else."  When President Bush says these words, The Kingdom Of God can act, the Angels can go into battle, the enemies of the righteous can be destroyed.  But until he does They can do nothing.  They stand by, they are ready, they want to be let loose.  All President Bush has to do is say the words.
The Kingdom Of God is extremely hopeful.  There is to be a Tribute to John Lennon in New York City on October 2nd, that is to be broadcast live, which shall also be a tribute to the victims at the World Trade Center.  The Kingdom Of God believes They will be able to generate enough power with this direct Tribute to an Apostle Designate of Jesus Christ to shift the remaining 2/3rds of the Immortal Souls for Mortal Souls, and bring The Afterlife back into a balanced state.  This SHOULD, if everything has been calculated correctly, shut off the negative flow in New York City, and perhaps even reverse it to a positive flow!  Again, as it did with The Presidential Election, the fate of the world depends on the power that John Lennon is able to generate and transmit to Those fighting Heaven's battles.  He defeated Al Gore, he made George Bush President.  He brought back Jesus. He has turned the tide.  Now, again, his strength, his power is the only thing that stands between us and certain defeat.  The power that is generated by those that love him is all that is keeping The Kingdom Of God alive, and all that is defeating The Anti Christ, each day driving his forces away from Jesus.
If only whey they were having this Tribute for John the world would be hearing one of these entertainers sing the song with which he defeated Gore and saved Heaven!  If only, at this Tribute, someone would sing "Stand Up!"  Click on the link below to read the lyrics.

There would be no more appropriate song, for in it it is said "We may be down, but we're not out!"  Surely The World Trade Center is down, but America, the world, is not out!  The Forces Of Darkness have not won.  We're not done yet!
If someone in the material world were to sing that song at that celebration it would generate unbelievable power that would blast The Anti Christ right out of his boots, that would probably rip his false Heaven apart.  If only someone would hear!  If only someone would sing!

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
Now And Forever,

Peter, Called The Rock

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