August 2, 2,001
Never Before Seen Horror

Afterlife still reeling after the day before yesterday's direct attack on Jesus.  Everyone totally perplexed as They do not know how to deal with the situations that are opposing Them.  Never before have They seen a Dark One (Bill Clinton) with so much power!  He is beginning to take on the aspects of the legendary Devil or Satan.  Never have the people in The Afterlife, in all Their vast history of more than a million years seen a creature of such evil, that can so corrupt and destroy Souls.  Never before in the worst situations, have They seen a negative flow of psychokenitic energy as is occurring in New York City.  Never before have Spiritual Leaders in The Afterlife been attacked.  It is without doubt that The Dark One is using this negative flow of energy to feed his false Messiah in The Afterlife, and empower him, to operate this false Heaven to confuse and misdirect the living.  Many have begged Jesus to bring more Spiritual Forces to The White House to protect Him against further attacks.  Jesus has refused, ordering a heightened state of alert, but forbidding the withdrawal of any Workers from any other assignments to protect Him.  Operations at this moment, are so critical that nothing can be spared for His personal protection.  All efforts must continue as they are going.
There is little doubt that this is The Dark One's purpose.  He is trying to divert forces that are opposing his Earthly agents so they can again run rampant, destroying more of the Work that Those in The Afterlife spent thousands of years preparing.  The only hope that exists is awakening the people of The United States and, the world, to the Truth, to make them understand what is happening.  But all efforts to do so have met with very limited success.  None of the usual systems work at all.  The Dark One's power to corrupt is so strong that even good and decent people refuse to hear Jesus' messages for fear of loss of their prestige and position.  They dare not speak out when they are fully aware, as we are, of what is happening.
Jesus sends a desperate call to all the world to rally to Him, to accept His Truths, to discard the traditions of man and return to The True Worship Of God.  He continues His efforts, day and night, to reach President Bush and make him understand that he is being used by The Forces Of Darkness, and have him accept Heaven's Plan For Peace In The Middle East.  Jesus has been working with Bush for months, yet has made very little progress penetrating the false desires and beliefs of man.  But he still tries.
These are indeed, the darkest times in history!   The human race is dying and nothing The Givers Of Light can do will make the living respond and save themselves, they so love The Creature Of Darkness. But They will keep trying, They will not give up!

7.63: What! do you wonder that a reminder has come to you from your Lord through a man from among you, that he might warn you and that you might guard (against evil) and so that mercy may be shown to you? -The Koran

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