Spirit Builders

As we describe the beautiful structures in The Spirit Realm, we are often asked "How are things of such beauty built?"  Well, the builders in The Afterlife have a lot of advantages!  First of all, no gravity, no earthquakes, no floods.  They can build with materials that simply couldn't be used in the material world.  And, They don't have to worry about them falling down.  But how do They get the materials?  Well, if They want wood, They go out in the forest, cut down a tree, trim it, shape it, do whatever They want with it.  But it's a lot easier for Them than it is on Earth.  One man can pick up an entire tree and carry it!  If They want glass panels for a wall, They gather sand, heat it, pour it into molds, and make the panels.  Again a single person can carry them around, and get them into position.  If They want a ruby wall, They gather rubies, melt them, mold them, and put them in place.  It all seems so fantastic to us, but to Them it's nothing at all.  They just think it can be done, and They do it!  No one just stands in an empty field and thinks "I want a building here! This is what I want it to look like!" and presto, a building is there.  Construction in The Afterlife takes effort.  Though you are actually dealing with energy, the ability to shape and change that energy into something solid that will stay there virtually forever, is not something that is easy to learn.  And Those that have the ability to construct things of beauty in The Afterlife, are much treasured by Those that They build for.  They are as much appreciated as the person who makes some beautiful sculpture, or, lovely painting.  The dwellings They make for The Beloved are treasured and much appreciated.

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