Did Yoko Know What She Was Doing?

Did Yoko Ono know what she was doing when she placed the ad in The New York Times that generated the energy that enabled her husband in The Afterlife to destroy The Anti Christ and thousands of his followers?  We don't know.  On a subconscious level she may have had, but the thing is, she did just the right thing at just the right time.  The Dark One and his Anti Christ in The Afterlife thought this terrible destruction would break everyone's will, would make The American Government surrender Jerusalem to The Palestinians, but it didn't work.  The American People stood fast.  Yoko placed her ad, and They channeled all those good vibrations to John.  He led the attack against The Anti Christ, and all that good, all that faith, all that belief shining through him broke The Anti Christ's will, and destroyed him, and, his followers.  Yoko has said she is planning more ads and a billboard.  We certainly hope she does so and keeps these good vibes coming.  They're desperately needed.

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