August 9, 2.001
75 Mile An Hour Winds!

Anti Christ's efforts to drive Jesus from The White House and end His efforts to reach President Bush with His True Plan For Peace continue with unrelenting fury, and, at a high price to his followers.  Two attacks took place yesterday.  One in the morning that lasted for over two hours, with the fighting again spreading to The Capitol.  And to everyone's amazement, The Anti Christ's forces attacked again, in the evening, fighting for over three hours.  The intensity of the fighting was so severe that it caused intense weather phenomena here, where we are living, in Fargo, North Dakota. They threw 75 mile an hour winds at us and a thunderstorm that was spectacular to watch.  But it was easily deflected away.
As I said, however, these efforts cost The Anti Christ's people dearly.  As his forces retreated from the second battle fourteen of them suffered The Second Death on entering The Spirit Realm.  They had drained themselves too much, expended too much of their energy in the material realm, and on entering The Afterlife their souls could not maintain their continuity, and they exploded, and ceased to exist forever.  The Anti Christ, however, lied to his followers, and said that these souls had not perished, but that God, in His infinite kindness, and, to glorify them, had risen them to a higher level with Him as a reward for their devotion.  The Dark One (Bill Clinton) has claimed more victims, destroyed more souls, and further endangered the existence of the human race.
There must be a reason why The Anti Christ's forces are so determined to drive Jesus from The White House.  We pray it is because Bush and his people are beginning to hear Jesus' true mission and turning towards His Plan, The Kingdom Of God's Plan to save the world.  Whatever The Dark Creature's hopes, whatever the reason he is putting forth this horrendous effort and sacrificing his followers, he will not succeed.  He will never be allowed to succeed!

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