October 19, 2,001
Most Excellent Speech!


I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven.
In my capacity as The Representative of All Those Who Reside In The Kingdom Of God, all Israelites, all Christians, and all Islamics, I wish to express my gratitude to those people trying to help the victims of The World Trade Center attack, especially to the lawyers who are gathering together to provide free legal aide to those effected individuals so that all moneys will go to these individuals and not to corrupt lawyers who will use these horrible circumstances to enrich themselves.  When these situations occur it always troubles us.  No one should use disasters for their personal benefit.
We do, however, wish that things would be speeded up a bit.  There are many already in need, DESPERATE need, who have not yet been able to get assistance.  Those in charge of charities should find a way to get aide to those people who need it immediately!  We know the difficulties of these modern times, but our widows and our orphans are in distress and need help now.
Aside from this, there is little new to report to you today.  Things are quiet.  The only thing that distressed us yesterday was to see the harlot sitting near The Vice President as he made his most excellent speech.  That the world is still so deceived by her, that so many still praise and adore her deeply troubles us. The agents of The Kingdom Of God struggle daily to expose her and her consort's evil, to make the public aware of what they have truly done, and break their power.  The time of those that oppose The Kingdom Of God is very limited.  Sooner or later justice Will be done, the truth WILL be known, but will it be in time to save mankind, and, the world?  We can only wait and see. But God WILL destroy those who attempt to destroy His people.  It is only a matter of time.  God has Eternity, and no one can escape Him.  Justice WILL be done!
Our Dear John continues to write songs to lift Our spirit and fortify our courage while he carries on his other duties as Apostle Of Religious Assignments.  No one in the material world can understand how important Our Dear John's efforts are to Us!  Without them we would not have been able to survive.  If "Stand Up!" had not risen everyone in The Afterlife into the battle, life on Earth most likely would already be dying, all hope for the world would be gone.  In the most terrifying moment, in the most desperate hour, a voice arose, someone stood fast, and said "No! We will not be defeated!  What we have built will not be destroyed!  We WILL overcome!" And that voice literally saved the world.  And that voice is John Lennon.  The sadness that the living, the majority of the living do not know what he has done, do not understand that he has saved them all, is yet another tragedy of The Dark One's (Bill Clinton's) power, but this is another one of his evils that will be overcome.  The world WILL know, and WILL accept what Our Dear John has done.  He has brought back Jesus, he has saved the world!  He IS God's mighty man!

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1.  Do you remember way back when
when America seemed free?
You could go where you liked unmolested,
in this land of liberty.
You could leave your doors wide open
and no one would dare come in,
If you think anybody would do that now,
well, you'd better just think again!

2.  Now every door is bolted,
and the lights turned way down low,
You wonder, in America,
if there's any safe place to go.
You proudly wave Old Glory,
and sing patriotic songs off key,
praying  things will go back again,
to the way they used to be.

You must be brave
and keep on standing tall!
Don't give into the fear,
even though you may feel small.
You must show your strength and courage,
and you will win the victory!
Show them how you'll keep your home
a land of liberty!

3.  The Light's not gone forever
even though there is a war,
You can win the battle,
that's what everyone's hoping for.
You can send the evil  running,
Show the Darkness it can't win!
You can send the evil running,
and bring freedom back again!

(Repeat Chorus To End.)

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
Now And Forever,

Peter, Called The Rock

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