4 "What shall we do with it?" the priests discussed among themselves. "It's blood money."
5 After a time they bought a field in which to bury him, and it became a graveyard for strangers.
6 It was only later that they realized they had again fulfilled prophecy.
7 Now, the governor awaited them and heard the charges from the priest that Christ came to be King Of The Jews, against the wishes of Ceasar. The governor asked Him, saying, "Are you King Of The Jews?"
8 Jesus answered, "That is what you say."
9 Then the governor turned to the Chief Priests, and, to the people, saying, "I find no fault in this man."
10 The priest became more insistant than ever, saying "He has stirred up the people teaching throughout all of Judaea beginning from Galilee to here."
11 When the governor heard of Galilee he asked rather the man was Galilaean. As soon as he knew that He was, and was under Herod's jurisdiction he sent Him to Herod, who was himself, in Jerusalem at that time.
12 When Herod saw Jesus he was extremely glad for he wanted to see Him for a long time.
13 He hoped to have some miracles done before him. Herod asked Him many questions, but He would answer him not. The Chief Priest and the Scribes made many accusations against Him.
14 Demetrius asked to speak with Herod, but Herod pushed him away and would not hear him. Finally he and his soldiers mocked Jesus. They dressed Him in royal garments, sent Him back to the governor. The governor and Herod made friends that day, for they had this deed common between them.
15 When Jesus again stood before the governor the governor was perplexed. For Herod had neither condemned Him, nor, released Him, but sent Him back to the governor.
16 Jesus said nothing, but merely stared at Him. The governor went out, spoke to the priests and the people again, saying, "You have brought this man to me and made accusations against Him. But I can find no fault in Him. To please you I shall flog Him, and send Him forth with order to trouble you no more."
17 So they brought Jesus out and flogged Him twenty lashes, save one. Then they brought Him up again before the governor, the priests, and the people.
18 The governor said to them "As is the custom I will free this one unto you in accordance to the tradition of your holiday."
19 But the priests walked among the crowd and cried, "Give us not this one, give us Barrabbas!" Soon the crowd picked it up. The governor departed back into his house, motioning them to bring Jesus to him.
20 When He was before him, the governor pleaded, "Say something to me! I have the power to save you, but I must have something. Tell me, are you King Of The Jews? Are you a prophet of their God? If I release you, will it go well for me?"
21 Jesus answered him, "It is they that say I am King, not I. What troubles you? Do you not know that all is preordained? That which both of us must do is determined from afar. Greater powers than us rule this day. We cannot change what must be."
22 The governor saw his wife standing a way off, shaking her head. He knew what was in her heart, that no harm should come to this Jesus.
23 Then, the governor took Jesus back out. "If I do not release this man," he cried, "what will you have me do with Him?"
24 As one the corwd answered, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
25 "What is this?" cried the governor. "You would crucify your King? He has done no wrong, not the slightest thing. Why are you so determined to have His life?"
26 The crowd answered, "We have no King but Ceasar. Crucify Him!"
27 The governor paced back and forth like a beast in torment, looking every which way. Finally he ordered a pitcher of water and a basin. He washed his hands and held them out to the crowd. "I wash my hands of this!" he cried, "If you will have His Blood, it will be on you."
28 The people answered, "His blood be on us and upon our children!"
29 Then the governor seized Barrabbas and cast him into the crowd. Then, turning to Jesus, he cried, "Crucify Him!" and stomped into his house.
30 Demetrius told another officer to see to Jesus and he went after the governor. "What do you want?" the governor cried, "It is done! It cannot be undone! He knows that as well as I. Go! Do your duty! At least in your hands it can be made as swift as possible. But trouble me no more!"
31 A rage came over Demetrius. He cast off his human form. When the governor saw him as he was within, he fell to the floor, weeping.
32 "I will trouble you," Demetrius cried, "I WILL trouble you, until the end of time. Whenever our paths cross again you will know no peace from me. Men will consider hell better than what I will do to you.
33 Of all men you had the power to stop this thing, but you have the courage of a worm. Do not think that I will ever forget!"
34 Demetrius took on his human form and departed.
35 Now, while he was gone another officer had entered. They dressed Jesus in scarlet robes, put a crown of thorns on His head, a rod in His right hand, and knelt down before Him, hailing Him as King Of the Jews. Then they took the rod and struck Him on the head with it.

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