November 16, 2,001
Save The Holy Land

Not much new to report.  Muhammed is delighted that he was able to save the foreign aid workers held by The Taliban, that he was able to guide the rescuers to them, and save them.  Though we are not supposed to interfere on behalf of Americans, Muhammed arranged this as a gesture of good will for all that the Americans have done.
There continues to be a great deal of worry in The Afterlife over Mecca.  The Dark One's (Bill Clinton's) servant, Bin Laden, is becoming more and more angry that his own people did not come to his aid, and the possibility of him attacking them in the hopes of rallying others to his cause grows, daily.  Those guarding this precious city are warned to be especially diligent as great evil is being sent in their direction.
Heaven is rallying Angelic Forces from all over the world to help Them in their Christmas Campaign in The United States.  They are gathering Angelic Messengers that speak the native language of every individual They want to influence; Russian, French, Italian, German..anyone that does not speak good English is getting an Angelic Messenger from their own area telling them not to travel and not to spend money during this Christmas season.
It has become a tradition with each Christmas Campaign for John Lennon to write a special song for the effort, but he has been rather at a loss with this one.  He has come up with a song, but he is very displeased with it.  He doesn't think it's very good.  Those in Heaven think it is very acceptable and are already singing it to their living charges, hoping to dissuade them from traveling and spending during this Christmas season.  John's songs seem to have a magic with the living like nothing else.  His music has helped Them win many battles.  We would be interested in everybody's opinion of John's latest work, "Save The Holy Land."  If he knows the living like it, it will help boost his confidence.  He is doing an incredible job repairing the damage The Dark Ones have done to Heaven's chain of command.  He says it is such a delight to read the histories of Those who have so long fought for right and justice, often without any notoriety whatsoever.  How, that so often, the public leaders, those in the limelight were doing virtually nothing, did not even deserve the exalted place they have, while those under them, those not even known, were actually doing God's True Work and serving mankind with their full efforts even at the risk of their lives, and, their livelihood.  "Here," he says, "are Heaven's True Heroes.  Those who did what was right even when their leaders were doing what was wrong and encouraging others to do that to. If we only had more of these today!"  Do let us know what you think of John's latest effort.  Spread it to the public!  Let them know what he's doing.  Ask them what they think of it.  Keep those good vibes to him coming.  They are the fuel that keeps Heaven going, they are the energy that is defeating The Darkness and taking away the evil one's powers, giving us a fighting chance to save mankind.  Help us save The Holy Land!

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. Don't support the evil
with the dollars in your hand!
Jesus is calling,
 "Save the Holy Land!"
Don't listen to the evil.
Help Him make a stand.
Jesus is calling,
"Save The Holy Land!"

2. Mankind is dying
we have to make a stand,
Do not buy the trinkets
they offer across the land.
They support the evil.
Help Jesus make a stand!
Fight against injustice!
Save The Holy Land!

3. Don't support the evil
with the dollars in your hand!
Heaven is calling,
Crying "Save The Holy Land!"
Come now, won't you join us,
Help Them make a stand.
Jesus is calling,
"Save The Holy Land!"

4. The Dark Ones plan their evil,
They're crying "Spend and spend!"
"Boost the economy,
forget your fellow man,"
But Jesus is calling,
help Him make a stand.
Jesus is calling,
"Save The Holy Land!"
Jesus is calling
"Save The Holy Land!"
"Save The Holy Land!"

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