November 26, 2,001
Jesus To Mrs. Bush

Well, as we begin the countdown to Christmas The Angelic Forces report that They are having considerable success encouraging people not to spend during this Christmas season.  In many cases, They have managed to get people not to make any purchases at all, or, to spend far less than they had intended.  If They can keep this effort up, this Christmas' campaign may have considerable success!  Of course there are those so filled with greed and lust that they will not listen to The Angelic Voices and spend as madly as they always do.  But as President Bush encourages people to spend, Those who work for Jesus will be encouraging them not to spend.  The battle to save mankind is being fought in the malls of The United States far more than it is being fought on the battlefields in Afghanistan.  And right now The Angelic Forces seem to be holding Their own!  Incredibly, even the creatures of Darkness are working with some of those that serve them, getting them not to spend, as well.  As I keep saying, these are strange, strange times.
Jesus has made a major announcement!  They are continuing Their 24 hour 7 day a week campaign at The White House, trying to get President Bush to give up The Israeli Land For Peace Deal, and accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan for a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  Believing that it may help reach The President better, as living individuals sometimes respond better to Spirits of the opposite sex, Jesus, Abraham and Muhammed will start speaking to First Lady Laura Bush every day, trying to persuade her to accept The Kingdom Of God's Proposal, and convince her husband to accept it.  Every hour of every day one of the leaders of The Greatest Religions in The Afterlife will be speaking to The First Lady, trying to convince her that Their plan is the only one that has any hope of success, that has any hope of saving mankind.  While They are doing this, Their Wives, led by Mary Magdalene, Jesus' Soulmate, will be working on The President every hour of every day.  Hopefully, this change of gender will produce a breakthrough.
We have been asked why so many Spiritual Workers are converging on The White House, why is so much power needed if God is so great?  Why wouldn't Jesus, alone, be effective?  The answer is, we have a tremendous amount of negativity to break through, years of false teachings that have been drummed into peoples' heads, making them resist The Voices speaking to their Souls, and to look to the ways of man.  To break through the greed that has been implanted in them to follow the ways of man sometimes takes the greatest resources.  And, too, by using three of Their Greatest Leaders with The President, he can be constantly covered while one or two of these Great Leaders goes off to do other Work.  The constant 24 hour coverage is what is wanted, and in this way it can be accomplished while giving these Great Leaders time to do other things, such as what Jesus has done this sabbath, with His announcement that when Hillary Clinton is finally defeated and He returns to His Throne, He will return to His Palace now being occupied by Lord Peter, in his post as temporary Ruler Of Heaven.  Jesus has stated that when He returns He will take over the daily running of The Kingdom Of God, but He will not return to The Throne Of Judgement.  Henceforth, now and forever, Peter will sit on The Throne Of Judgement.  Man will judge man, in the name of and, with The Power of God.
As this will mean Peter will have no residence, Jesus has ordered that a new residence be built for Peter on top of The Hall Of Judgement, that a palace for him and gardens be constructed there, worthy of his post.  Architects from all the world are invited to submit plans for Peter's new residence, that the current Apostles will serve as a committee to judge the designs and choose the most appropriate ones.  This is the first construction to be considered in The Kingdom Of God for over 500 years, the first changes to be made in Its Capitol in that long!  That Jesus has the confidence of eventual victory to order such construction has encouraged and excited everyone!

FOOTNOTE:  The Kingdom Of God however, is angry at the American media for one thing...calling the execution of Mahamoud Abu Hanoud an assassination.  Assassination is the unwarranted murder of a political official by those that oppose him.  President Kennedy was assassinated, Anwar Sadat was assassinated.  But Mahamoud Abu Hanoud was duly executed.  The Israeli government gathered evidence of his crimes, gave him fair hearings, and consideration before they justly pronounced the sentence of death upon him, and sent the duly authorized agents of their government to carry out that sentence.  Mahamoud Abu Hanoud is responsible for the murder of hundreds of Israeli men, women and children.  He existed only for the purpose of destroying Isrealis and, Israel.  He was an enemy of The Israeli People, who they had a right to protect themselves against.  Calling his execution an assassination, sends the wrong kind of message to the rest of the world.  A people have a right to hunt and destroy those who are systematically murdering their children, and others have no right to condemn them for doing so.  Let us call things what they are, and not make someone seem better than they were by saying they were assassinated.
We are doing our small part in the Christmas effort.  There are a couple of items we are sorely in need of right now, especially an air cleaning machine for the trailer.  Our neighbor's woodstove makes it a little uncomfortable here, at times.  And, there are some other things we really need, but we do not intend to buy any of them until well after Christmas.
Kingdom Of God a little upset at President Bush's reaction to the cloning of a human embryo.  The Kingdom Of God supports research in cloning for the purpose of making organs for transplants.  They do not support full human cloning, but the type of cloning that is being done here, They consider harmless.  They understand the misunderstanding by the living that life begins at conception, which They do not recognize.  As far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned, life begins when a child takes its first breath, not at conception.  So, denying people medical treatment that could save their lives because one believes in life at conception is totally unacceptable.  As we say, mankind is filled with false teachings that cause no end of problems.
We are, however, seeking some badly needed medical care.  Hopefully we can find a medical facility in this area that will give us treatment without us having to sign up for Medicaid.  Sadly hospitals in Maine refused us service because we wouldn't sign up for this government program.  But there are some medical situations we really have to have treated, and if we cannot find a reasonable medical provider we are going to have serious difficulties.

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