December 12, 2,001
Atta Was Out To Get Us

The authorities keep wondering why Mohamed Atta went to Portland, Maine.  We can tell them, but no one would believe us.  He went there to kill me and my wife.  We again sent people to question him, and he swore that was his purpose, that he and his associate went to our old residence at 192 State St. looking for us.  When they couldn't find us there, they spent a great deal of time in the Longfellow Square area visiting merchants, showing them a picture of us, and asking if they knew where we lived, claiming that they were reporters for an Arab language magazine that was interested in our Work.  They even tried calling information from a pay phone in one of the stores, trying to get a new number for us so they could call us and get our location.  When asked why, he simply answers "You know why!  They are against all we believe.  They want to destroy our purpose.  They are the enemies of our way."  We are surprised that no one in the area remembers their visits.  We do not think they were disguised or anything.
Atta also says that Sadam Hussein is getting more and more crazy as he gets sicker and sicker.  He keeps muttering things like "They won't destroy me this time!  We're prepared this time!  It will be our victory this time!  I won't wait this time!" Doesn't sound too much different to me.  Still the same old nut case.
Everything in The Spirit Realm is excellent!  The energy flow continues to increase rapidly.  Jesus still feels He's making great progress with Mrs. Bush in His daily council.  The Kingdom Of God's Forces feel They are really cutting Christmas spending by a tremendous amount. People are going to the stores but they're buying little or nothing and They are attacking the economy in other ways, besides.

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