December 28, 2,001
Big Celebration Coming!

Not much new to report this morning.  For the first time in years it is a beautiful Christmas in The Afterlife, and a gigantic New Year's Eve celebration is being planned around a midnight concert with John Lennon and George Harrison.  They've put together an impromptu band with King John, a rather famous drummer from the 30s who wishes to remain anonymous, a famous trumpet and sax player.  They're planning a three hour concert of Beatles hits, John's new music, and popular rock and roll.  This is going to be one hell of a show!
The only thing that could make these times even happier if there was suddenly an announcement that Hillary Clinton was resigning as senator from New York because of health difficulties, and Jesus could retake His Throne.  But we can dream. Sooner or later the harlot will lose power.  The people will recognize her for what she is, and Jesus will retake His Throne.
The Kingdom Of God has released Its ten best and ten worst list.  They consider the best t.v. show in the U.S. "Touched By An Angel."  They consider the worst one "South Park".  "The Simpsons" finally got bumped from first place which they have held for years as worst t.v. show, most degrading and most humiliating to the human nature.  You only have to see a couple of episodes of South Park to see why it has replaced "The Simpsons."  One wonders about the sanity of people that write these things, and call them humorous.  Nowadays, the more you degrade, the more you insult, the more you make people look sick, the funnier you are.  It is a sad, sad state of affairs that this is popular entertainment.
Linda went to the hospital yesterday and they took a sample of the sore on the side of her head to be checked for cancer.  Now we've got to wait for these test results.  We haven't got any bills on all of this yet, and do not really want to see them, because we don't know how we're going to pay them, but we simply have to take the time and expense to deal with some of these medical problems now!  We have let them go for years to keep the religious work going, but we simply can't let them go any longer.  We've finally found some competent doctors!  This thing should have been checked on years ago but all the other doctors kept saying it was only psoriasis and wouldn't do anything for it.
This ends today's transmission, and probably this year's transmissions, as we do not plan to send one out New Year's Eve.  Our gracious thanks to all who have kept spreading what is happening in The Afterlife!  You've helped bring The Kingdom Of God back to life and put hope back in the world.  Have a happy and prosperous New Year!

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