January 7, 2,002
Heaven's Words Being Proved

Three years ago we were telling the public that the Clinton administration was only making token efforts against terrorism, that they were capable of doing far more but they didn't really want to do so.  It was only international pressure that forced them to take action in Bosnia and other places.  That time and time again they had opportunities to make tremendous strides against terrorism, but would not act.  At that time no one believed us, we were laughed at.  We got comments that what we were saying was ridiculous.  Now the national media is saying the exact same thing we were saying years ago!  It's being exposed that The Clinton Administration had many opportunities to act against Bin Laden, but simply refused to do anything.  Members of their party are now blaming Bush and attacking him, when it was their own negligence that brought on what is occurring now.
If America had fought several years back, if they had taken action when they had clear opportunities to do so, The World Trade Center Attacks would never have happened, but they didn't.  They made America appear weak, they made America appear hesitant, and it cost us over 3,000 lives, and will probably cost us far more in the future.  Yet the members of Clinton's party still refuse to see who was responsible for the mess we're in now. All they want to do is go back to politics as usual, spread their untruths and half truths before the next election, and try to regain power.
President Bush still resists The Kingdom Of God. He still tends to support man's plan.  But at least he has the courage to fight, he won't run, he won't make excuses, he won't play politics when it comes to protecting The American People.  And even though The United States does not have the protection of God, it is doing fairly well.  But imagine how much it could do if it had The Kingdom Of God behind it!
We must not let the political deception continue!  The Clintons are beginning to be exposed for what they are.  That exposure must continue, and, the exposure of those around them must be begun.  Slowly, The Kingdom Of God is being proved true.  What They say is being shown to be fact.  We've got a long way to go, but They are delighted with the progress!  They are very delighted with the progress!
Got an interesting question.  Someone said "Jesus and The Kingdom Of God have a considerable Plan For Peace In The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  Does The Kingdom Of God have such a Peace Plan for Kashmir, the other trouble spot that is threatening to tear the world apart?  Surely if They have such Plans for The Palestinians, They must have some way of solving the problem in Kashmir."
Well, the truth of the matter is, The Kingdom Of God has no authority over Kashmir.  Kashmir is under the authority of Krishna and The Hindu Alliance, not Jesus and His Followers.  Krishna, however DOES have a Plan For Peace In Kashmir, one that would not be very popular with The Muslims, but that would eventually bring peace and stability to the area.  Krishna's Plan is to disperse the Muslim inhabitants of Kashmir throughout India, and replace them with Hindus.  If there is a Muslim carpenter in Kashmir, find a Hindu carpenter in India who owns the same or, a bit more property, and exchange them.  the same with a Muslim cook or, cobbler, or whatever. Krishna would have The Muslims even be given a little bit better circumstances than they now have, in order to insure Peace, and have The Indian Government make it a law that anybody that threatens or attacks these transferees be severely punished with lengthily prison sentences.
It would be best if this dispersal be operated by a neutral third party, say, The United States, or, The United Nations, so there would be no doubt that The Muslims of Kashmir were being well treated and getting a fair exchange for their property.
With The Islamic People out of Kashmir, the hostilities over it would slowly die, and peace would come to the region.  Their is not a problem in the world that Those who rule The Afterlife do not have a solution for.  There is no difficulty that man can get into that They cannot fix.  The problem is man is so greedy that he does not want to follow the wisdom that is given him.  He wants problems solved in his way, which is "Give me whatever I want!  Don't tell me I can't have something that I took by force!"  Unfortunately Those in The Afterlife do not share this attitude and will never accept solutions based on this principle.  They accept only just and honorable solutions.
And speaking of the Kashmir region, a strange phenomena is occurring there that has occurred off and on for the last few years.  As the troubles arise there, The Forces Of Darkness are not gathering in Kashmir, or, India, or Pakistan, but they are gathering in the cities of China, just above these countries, an area of negative energy is forming in the closest Chinese city to the Indian border very similar to that that was in new York shortly before The World Trade Center Attack!  There are even indications that this city might go into a negative energy flow.  For a phenomena like this to come and go so much is very unusual, and shows that the material world is still extremely unstable despite the recent advancements The Kingdom Of God has made.  We can only watch and monitor this area very carefully, and hope that we can deal with whatever is causing this negative flow, before it becomes a situation like The World Trade Center.  Those in The Afterlife know the power games China is playing in the area.  Let us hope one of these games does not explode in their face, and we find ourselves in a situation where Pakistan and India won't be fighting each other, but fighting China, with The U.S. coming to their aide.  That would be a war nobody wants, not even the Chinese, because they could not win it.  Millions of people would die, but China would not win, they would not be allowed to win, and the leaders in China had better know that.

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