January 8, 2,002
Won This One

Every effort has been made to save the young man who flew his plane into the building in Tampa, Florida.  We are glad to let everybody know that the efforts have been successful!  The young man has arrived in The Afterlife in fairly good condition.  He is rather frightened, and does not exactly understand what is going on, but he is doing all right, and the experts say he'll be just fine, in time.  It is fortunate that this young man did not hurt others in his little escapade which made it possible for him to make a safe transition to The Afterlife, unlike our friends from the Arab world who thought they were doing The Will Of God, and murdered so many innocents.
Committing suicide is not the smartest thing in the world to do, but if you're going to do it, make sure you don't take anybody with you, and your personal chances of survival will be greatly improved.  Of course this young man will never enter into The Kingdom Of God.  Suicide without a very good reason, is a definite no no to Them.  But there will be Those that will take care of him, and he will certainly, in time, journey on again.  The Soul survives!  Maybe next time he'll make it through The Pearly Gates.  He wouldn't be the first one to make it the second time around, or even the third or the fourth.  As long as The Soul is not destroyed, there's always hope.

January 9, 2,002
The Price Of Pollution

Kingdom Of God not totally happy with President Bush.  His current attacks on environmental laws disturb Them, greatly.  There are those that do not care if they destroy the world, as long as they make a profit.  They consider pollution an unavoidable part of business.  But Those in The Kingdom Of God disagree with them violently.  They hold those who knowingly poison the land, sea, and air, accountable.  Many have stood in The Hall Of Judgment and said "Lord, I was only a good businessman. It didn't really matter a little chemical pollution.  It can be cleaned up eventually."  And Jesus has answered them, "Be gone from me!  I do not know you, and you do not know me."  It would be very sad with all else that he is doing, if President Bush and his associates were to be held accountable and lose their place in Heaven because they close their eyes and allow the land to be poisoned to give industry a tiny boost.
There can be no halfway measures with The Kingdom Of God.  Either you are doing right, or, you are doing wrong, and pollution is wrong.  The business leaders can make all kinds of excuses, but they don't hold up on Judgment Day!  What man approves of is very often NOT what Heaven approves of.  It's a sad but true truth that many yet do not understand.  Sadly, some day, as they are escorted out of The Pearly Gates and told not to return, they will fully understand.  But of course then it will be too late.  And may The Lords have mercy on those whose pollution kills!  No one wants their fate, to suffer all the pain and anguish they have caused others.  Imagine the pain of thousands of people who have died from cancer because you polluted the water where they lived, and having to feel all the pain and anguish they felt!  Could you survive?  Would you WANT to survive going through that, day after day, hour after hour for thousands of years? Little wonder they call it Hell.


The old expression goes it always comes in droves.  That's what it feels like lately!  We were just getting ahead, now all these medical problems have hit.  I have people at work that are being irritable just for the sake of being irritable because they're having problems at home and they can't leave them there.  And on top of that our clothes are literally falling apart!  I bought a pair of rubber boots when we first moved here and they were great for the first and second winter, and I was hoping they'd last through this winter.  But wouldn't you know it, the other day a crack appeared in the heel of one, right where you step on them to slip them off!  I thought "Oh, well, it's pretty high up!  That probably won't bother that much the rest of the year."  So, the other day I got to work, took one off, and pulled my foot from the other one, and felt something funny.  I picked up the boot and looked and the sole had split half way from the heel to the toe!  And I thought to myself  "Well, that isn't going to keep the water out in the puddles!"  So I threw them in the trash and had to wear my work sneakers home.  Now somehow, I need to find some more waterproof footwear before the wet season starts, and it can get wet around here!  I didn't want that added expense right now.  But what you want and what you get is very often two different things.  Nothing ever cooperates!  Both Linda's and my summer jackets are disintegrating.  I've put on so much weight my fall jacket won't fit me any more.  It's a constant battle just to keep warm and dry.

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