January 14, 2,002
Kingdom Of God Being Proven Right

On October 12, 2,001, we sent out Mohamad Atta's statement that he and other members of the terrorist attack on The United States had been trained in Iraq, that Saddam Hussein knew of their training and even visited them, praising their efforts.  We were laughed at.  People said Iraq was not involved with the terrorist attack at all.  Now the national media is putting forth reports that Iraqi defectors admit that their secret operations forces were training terrorists to seize airplanes as weapons.  Information we were putting forth three months ago is being proven now!
The Kingdom Of God is never wrong.  It may sometimes take some time to prove what They say, but They are never wrong.  The information They give is always accurate.  And in the last few months Their accuracy seems to be proven more and more.
We are in hopes that people will not forget that we released this information before anybody else.  That while others were saying "Oh, Hussein was not involved, Iraq had nothing to do with this!"  we were saying "Oh, yes he did!  He's in it up to his neck, and the water's rising fast."
These are sad, sad times, but in these times the power of The Kingdom Of God should not be forgotten.  What It has done in the past should not be forgotten, and Its ability to influence the future should definitely not be forgotten!  Those who play with the powers of Eternity play with things far beyond Their control!
Muhammed is extremely encouraged by the Pakastini ruler's recent speech.  If he follows through on his promises it could make for great things for Pakistan, and, the world.  But Muhammed gives a warning...."Don't betray me!  Don't say one thing, and do another.  I will not be kind if you do."
The fight is not over, the battle still rages, and those in the material realm have to choose who they will follow, will have to choose their fate.  The wise will choose to follow The Kingdom Of God, because They are always, in the end, proven right.
Kingdom Of God outraged at Democrats' efforts to try to blame The Bush Administration in some way, for the Enron disaster.  It must be remembered that it took years of corruption for Enron to get into the condition that it was in.  The President has only been in office for less than a year.  Most all of what was done at Enron was done while The Clintons were in power, while the democrats turned a blind eye to whatever executives were doing, as long as they showed high profits on paper and boosted the economy.  The blame for this disaster lies clearly on the Democrats, their president, and their policies, and The Bush Administration can be in no way, blamed for this fiasco!  When dishonesty is encouraged, even in The White House, when the President is put above the law, those beneath him are going to follow suit.  Nothing else can be expected.  Enron executives only did what they were taught to do by their leadership, and that leadership was the Democrats.
Tomorrow morning at 8:15 am CST is Linda's cancer operation at the downtown clinic.  We wish she had a ride down there and back, but she has to take the bus by herself.  We pray all goes well.

FOOTNOTE: Queen Diana of England deeply upset with the news that her younger son has been drinking heavily and using marijuana.  She had hoped for better from her children, than the usual behavior of English royals.  She will not scold her son, for she does not feel that would do any good.  But she just wants to let him know how disappointed she is.  She thought she had young gentlemen that could control themselves.  She is very, very hurt that she does not.  She hopes this is the last she hears of such behavior.


"The judge should not be young; he should have learned to know evil, not from his own soul, but from late and long observation of the nature of evil in others: knowledge should be his guide, not personal experience."


"It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war . . . we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts,----- for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert for free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.  To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything that we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured.  God helping her, she can do no other."

-Woodrow Wilson [1917]

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