January 24, 2,002
We're In The National Post!

Got a nice mention of our Work with John Lennon in The National Post from Canada.  If anybody would like to read the article, send us an email and we'll send you a copy.  The author of the article made a few mistakes though.  For one thing he said we were self appointed.  We are not self appointed, we have been appointed to our Work by The Greatest Powers In The Universe.  As far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned we are appointed by Father Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed.  Each has given us dominion over their respective faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  We do not have any appointment, as of yet, from any Earthly church, but neither did The Prophets, or, Father Abraham, or Moses, Jesus, or, Muhammed!  Like us because of the corruption of the churches, They were appointed directly by The Head of those churches.  Our power is not of man, but is of The Spirit.
On another matter, yesterday's email brought a response which was "How can we say anyone entering The Kingdom Of God would have to denounce The Trinity?  The Trinity is one of the foundations of Christianity!"  The answer is, The Kingdom Of God considers the teachings of The Trinity blasphemy.  The Ten Commandments teach clearly and distinctly there is only one God, and only that God shall be worshipped.  Jesus is The Son Of God, not God.  He can be prayed for, but not to.  He is The Steward And Ruler Of God's Kingdom in Heaven, and The Ultimate Authority for any of God's people, but He is not God.
To pray to Jesus would be the same as praying to the sacrificial lamb of atonement.  Putting up statues to Jesus and bowing down to them is considered by The Kingdom Of God exactly the same as putting up statues of the sacrificial lamb and praying to them.  It is simply unacceptable.  Even Jesus demands of all of His followers that they not pray to Him, that they pray to The Father, as He taught them.
As for The Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is God's Messenger, is God's Comforter.  Where Jesus was taken away to become Ruler Of Heaven, and see to the affairs of God's Beloved, God prepared and sent a Comforter to see man through troubled times.  Jesus, Himself, clearly taught that this Comforter was separate from Himself because He could not arrive until after Jesus departed.  That God had not left man without guidance, protection and strength is a great blessing.  But to commit blasphemy and say that The Protection God has given is God, and to pray to Him is blasphemy, without question.
There is only one God and He resides in The Holiest Of All below Jesus' Throne in The Holy Of Holies in The Kingdom Of God, and He is the only God that should ever be prayed to.  The Teachings of The Trinity lead man into worshipping false gods, distract them from the true God, and makes it easier for those who would control them, to do so.  These are the reasons why all those who believe in The Trinity must denounce it at The Gates Of Heaven in order to enter into The Kingdom Of God.  And when it is explained to most, as I have just explained it to you, they reject this false teaching and enter in to be with their Loved Ones.  Of course there are a few who prefer the lies of man and choose to stay without rather than give up their favorite fable.  These are sad souls that cause their own suffering, because they love their fathers' lies more than God's Teachings.
Jesus continues His marathon sessions with Mrs. Bush in The White House.  He has even begun to mention us by name, and suggest that The First Lady contact us.  The First Lady is beginning to have some concerns about the feelings she is having about the ideas that are coming to her, fears that she might be losing her grip with reality.  Far from it! She is opening up to a greater reality than she has ever known.  The President, too, is beginning to respond to Mary Magdalene, beginning to question some of those ideas he has long held as absolute.  We can only pray that Their efforts are eventually successful and The Bushes' truly join the efforts of The Kingdom Of God.
The Kingdom Of God is very upset that some in The Senate are trying to use The Enron Disaster to push public funding of political campaigns which They are totally against.  The present system has its faults, and needs to be fine tuned a little, but the public funding of political campaigns would put the choosing of candidates in the control of the politicians and the people would lose all semblance of freedom.
The Kingdom Of God has an ongoing campaign to get rid of federal matching funds.  After all, those funds went to Al Gore, and, The Clintons, Their bitterest enemies. They do not want tax dollars used for political purposes at all.
Speaking of The Clintons, The Kingdom Of God continues to be delighted that The American Media is exposing the fraud of The Clintons' anti terrorism efforts.  That all their efforts were nothing but a charade to make the public think they were doing something, while they were actually doing absolutely nothing.  The Kingdom Of God is deeply upset, though, with Saudi Arabia's attitude toward The United States and its personnel protecting their country.  Muhammed is absolutely enraged that The Saudis expect American female military personnel to wear veils when they're off their bases.  That they are bogged down with such traditional male oriented dogma really disturbs him, and he wonders if they need another serious lesson to make them understand how important their alliance with The United States is.  Their leaders are supposed to be foundation stones in The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan For The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, but their King refuses to accept Muhammed's counsel and helps spread the false teachings of man.  Muhammed wonders if he should allow Saudi Arabia to continue existing at all.  These are thoughts those in Saudi Arabia do not want him to have.
They should remember The Ottoman Empire, an Islamic State that once ruled vast portions of The Middle East, but who drew Muhammed's wrath because of their decadence.  Do the leaders of Saudi Arabia want to go the way of The Ottoman Empire?  I would think not!

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