January 28, 2,002
Are There Terrorists Here In Fargo?

Lot to cover this morning!   Became concerned again when the FBI released pictures of the five terrorists making their holy jihad videos.  I swear I've seen two of these guys at the bus station here in Fargo; Muhammad sa'id Ali Hasan and Abd  Al-Rahim!  They were wearing jackets and caps of local sports teams.  They had short haircuts and were beardless, but they looked incredibly like these two!  I remember my attention was drawn to them because all their clothes seemed brand new, and I thought that rather odd.  And the darkness seemed to ooze around them.  I remember thinking "I don't know where these two are going, but I wouldn't want to be there!"  I've only seen these individuals once, so I haven't notified the authorities.  They might just be a couple of locals that resemble this pair.  But I guarantee you, if I should happen to see these two again I'd be calling somebody just to be sure.
Got a cute email from somebody named Polley this weekend Apparently they keep coming across our material on the internet and it upsets them that somebody with their name would be putting up such stuff. They asked us to remove it and to please find God The Father.  Well if I haven't found God The Father, I don't know who has!  I work for His Son and His Servants every day.  If there's one person in this world that truly knows Him, it's got to be me!
Well, it's time for the old financial report.  I earned $12,416.72 this year.  We've spent $10,470.70.  That left us in positive ground for the first time in years!  We spent $452.70 on Voices, or the religious Work.  We didn't get one donation this year.  One donation came in, but it was so late it went on this year's books, not last year's.  So if anybody thinks we're getting rich doing this work, they're very, very wrong.
We finally got the bill for my medical care.  With medication and everything it came to $729.49.  This was for just the little bit of work they did on me!  We haven't got anything yet, on what they did for Linda.  It took virtually all our reserves to pay off this bill.  We don't know how we're going to pay for hers, but it's got to be done.
Things have not changed much from The Afterlife.  The Forces of The Kingdom Of God are still celebrating Their victory in destroying Enron, including Their success in driving one of its leaders to suicide.  They are in hopes They can get a few more before its over.  At least justice will be done in one way.  Afraid this guy didn't last too long in The Afterlife.  He was very good at deceiving the living and making everybody think he was a good guy, but you can't fool the old Book Of Life.  Every dirty deal was registered, every betrayal noted, and he wandered off into the Darkness and quickly succumbed to Eternal Death. He could not bear all the pain he had caused others.  How far the mighty fall, from a rich house and a yacht in the material world, to eternal non existence in The Afterlife.  The eye of that needle is getting a lot smaller!
Father Abraham and Muhammed enraged that The Palestinians used a woman in their latest attack on Israel.  Muhammed agrees with Father Abraham that The Palestinians be punished in such a way that they will come to understand the seriousness of their crimes, and stop attacking Israel.  He insists that if Saudi Arabia wants to continue existing that its leaders go to Israel and tell the Israeli leaders that they back them in carrying out the punishment that Father Abraham insists upon for terrorist acts.  That Saudi Arabia will provide the doctors to carry out these punishments to show the world they're in solidarity with Israel, and that this killing must stop.  Muhammed says if the Saudi Arabians do not follow his wishes, he will take action against them.  These are sad, sad times, indeed.
Tomorrow is my 55th birthday which makes me very depressed because we are so far behind in our work, and so much more needs to be done.  My time is running out, and with each passing year my physical condition weakens.  It gets harder and harder to put in a full day's work and get the religious Work done too.  But we will keep carrying on, as long as humanly possible.
Below is an email we sent to MSNBC to be commented on by their military experts.  They didn't use it, but Those in The Afterlife wanted me to share it with the rest of the world besides.


It really irritates me that the English should complain in any way, about how we are handling prisoners of war and, terrorists!  Their brutality in Ireland against the freedom fighters there in 1918 and, their brutality with freedom fighters in other nations is well and unquestioningly documented.
That they should complain, in any way, about the humane way in which we are treating prisoners is ludicrous!  Their oppression of the Irish people today and, their treatment of Irish prisoners in their own prisons, is far inferior to the way we are treating Taliban and Al Quaida prisoners.  We are not beating them daily, and starving them, trying to get them to betray their comrades.  We are not arresting innocent family members and charging them with made up crimes in order to try to force captives to expose their comrades.
The British should practice what they preach, and not condemn others for the humane and decent actions they are taking.
Your military experts might speak on other peoples' activities around the world, compared to the way we treat prisoners.

Speaker Gerald A. Polley

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