November 8, 2,001
Heaven Boycotts Emmys


I am Peter, in the absence of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, Ruler Of Heaven!
Our Beloved Demetrius (Speaker Gerald A. Polley) has been asked why he has made no mention of The Emmy Awards, what did Those in the Afterlife think of them?   I will tell you what Those in The Afterlife thought of them.  They were disgusted with them, sickened with them, appalled with them!  The Emmy celebrations were led by a pervert, a degenerate, a fornicator, a woman who openly defies God's Law, has sexual relations with another woman, and teaches children that this is perfectly acceptable.  All in The Afterlife were so disgusted with the Emmy's presentations that they were completely boycotted, not even rebroadcast into the Afterlife.
Unfortunately, virtually all Earthly entertainment in The United States has become propaganda for those pushing the pervert lifestyles of fornication and drug abuse.  Things have become so bad in Hollywood, that I have ordered Our Blessed Demetrius not to use any of its facilities in the future, to make any recordings or films.  It is little wonder that Our Lord has ordered all True Believers to leave this foul and degraded place, this new Sodom, this new Gomorra.
I do hereby send an Edict to all Christians, that they, too, are not to use its facilities for the production of any entertainments or commercials.  There are other facilities elsewhere.  Do not deal with the perverted and the immoral.  Find righteous men and women to create your entertainments, and your commercials.  Do not deal with those who wish to lead children into their perversions, their sickness, and Eternal Death.
The Emmys awarded those who are destroying children. Do not receive such awards, instead, be right with God.

Yours In The Service Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ,
Now And Forever,

Peter, Called The Rock

FOOTNOTE:  Today is a very exciting day!  The documentary film made about us and our Work with John Lennon during the 2,000 U.S. Presidential Election,. is to be screened in London, England, at 7:30 p.m. GMT.  We hope it will be well received and will later be shown to all of England, and the world.
Our friends Tim, Bev, and Bad Dog out of WEGR in Memphis, TN called yesterday.  Linda had an excellent interview with them, as usual.  They inquired of their ratings in The Afterlife.  My Spirit Worker learned they do very well in their local area and have a 2% listenership of the entire Spirit World.

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