19  One day there was a great commotion in the women's tent, and Muhammed's uncle rushed there to find out what was amiss.  When he arrived he found the women screaming "There is a serpent!  There's a serpent in the cushions!"
20  The Elder saw Muhammed's wet nurse, and asked "Where is the child?"  The wet nurse looked around in horror.  Her own child was there, but Muhammed was gone!
21  "He was with us!"  she cried, "He must have gone back into the tent!"
22  Suddenly there was a flurry of childish laughter and all eyes turned towards the tent.  Muhammed emerged, the serpent wrapped around him.  But the serpent was making no effort to strike!  Instead it was caressing Muhammed's cheek with its head, as he stroked its body, laughing happily!
23  A man drew his knife, but Muhammed's uncle ordered him to stand.  "Do not excite the serpent!" he ordered.  "It may strike the child before we can kill it!"
24  The little toddler trotted off to the edge of the camp.  The serpent unwound from him and went into the grass.  Muhammed caressed it one more time and then it slithered away.  The toddler happily trotted back to his wet nurse, and her son, who was his constant companion.
25  Muhammed's uncle ordered one of his men to follow the serpent.  "Do not harm it!"  he ordered.  "It has left us in peace, let it go its way in peace.  It has spared our blood, we will not shed its.  Just make sure that it continues to go far away from the camp."
26  The man did so, and returned a few hours later, saying the serpent had gone well away.
27  Some in the camp began to say Muhammed was bewitched.  His uncle forbid such talk.  "The child is blessed by The Gods," he announced.  "They have given him great strength. There will never be again, any talk that he is bewitched.  These things that he do are for the good.  They are not evil.  Any that say he is bewitched will not be kept in my service, but put out.  Let this be known to all!"
28  And all the servants understood, and Muhammed continued to grow.  And when he had learned to speak he did another marvel that amazed all!

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