Chapter Twenty-Two

1  Now, Muhammed waxed old.  First his beloved Aisha died, and then Sawda died.  Muhammed took no other wives, but two young widows stayed in his house and were his comfort.  And they were amazed that a man of his age needed so much comfort!
2  But one day Northern Star appeared before Muhammed.  Muhammed looked at him and smiled.  "You become clearer and clearer to me every day, old friend.  The time is near at hand, isn't it?"
3  The Haven nodded.  "Do I have time," Muhammed asked, "to make one more journey, visit old friends one more time?"
4  "JUST enough!"  Northern Star answered.  "You should be back here at the beginning of the holy month, for that shall be when the time shall come."
5  So Muhammed gathered a company, and visited Medina and Absynnia, and Israel, and Jerusalem. And the people seemed to sense something, and everywhere he went they came out in even greater numbers than they had ever come out before. And where ever he went there were wonders!  In one place a blighted vinyard suddenly returned to life, giving the people back their livlihood.  In another place, a child that was dying suddenly recovered when Muhammed's shadow passed over her!  In yet another, a man who was born blind when he saw Muhammed, could see! And there was wonder after wonder.  Not in one place that Muhammed went was there not a wonder.  And the people said "Surely, this IS a Messenger Of God!"
6  And he returned to Mecca, and on the feast of the holy day went up to the mountain where was his cave.  And a great number were with him.  And he stood up before them and spoke The Law Of God.  And suddenly the skies darkened, there was a great trumpeting, and hundreds of Havens became visible to all!
7  "Be not afraid!" Muhammed cried, "These are The Messengers Of God come to take me to be with Him.  Fear not, it is my time.  Praise God, and glorify Him always, that He sent His Messengers to guide me."
8  With this Northern Star took Muhammed's hand, and they suddenly glowed very brightly.  Then a column of ash and dust descended to the ground.  And as the people stood in awe, Muhammed rose into the Heavens with his winged companion until finally The Great Light was swallowed up by the clouds.  And the people stood, wondering.
9  Now, Umm Hani and her sons were there, and she was waxed with age.  And she came over to the pile of dust and ash, and knew what it was.  Taking a vessel in which someone had brought wine, she had the ashes and dust gathered up, and put in it.  And she took it to the courtyard of her house, and buried it in her garden, and put up a marker that said, "Here lies Muhammed, The Prophet Of Islam, whose wife I should have been."  And many people wondered, for they had heard there was no body, that like Jesus, Muhammed had ascended into the Heavens bodily.
10  Now, Muhammed's two comforters grew heavy with child, and a band of men appeared from the east with a letter from Muhammed, saying that they were to take these women into their charge, and care for them.
11  Now, as all recognized the writing, the women obeyed, and went off with the men, never to be seen by any there again.  But it was rumored that they had each born a son and Muhammed had seen to their inheritance in a distance place.
12  And the affairs of Islam were put into the hands of another generation.  Some did well, some did very poorly.  But what Muhammed had begun was good, and no man questioned that.


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