1  My beloved, I tell you here what women are.  Women are the perfection of Allah for men.
2  You were once whole, but Allah saw that this was not practical, that whole you could not reproduce.
3  So Allah split you asunder, and made two seperate halves, that compliment one another, and gave joy to one another.
4  Great is The Wisdom Of Allah!  And that joy that men and women give each other is sacred, it is from Allah, and any man that says it is evil is not of Allah, but is of The Dark Ones trying to deceive you, and destroy you.
5  Do not hear their falsity, do not hear their lies, but honor your women and make them glorious among you.
6  And know ye what women are not.  They are not cattle, they are not property, they are not slaves.
7  A man is bound to the woman by the love that she gives him, and likewise, the woman is bound to the man by the love that he gives her.  Neither is maaster, neither is slave.  As Allah is bound to us by the love that we give Him, and the love that He gives us, so a man and a woman are bound to each other.
8  What belongs to the woman belongs to her, it does not belong to the man.  She may surrender what is hers unto the man by her own free will, but by nothing else.  A woman's property is not her husband's.
9  If you hire two men to thrash grain and pay them twenty pieces a day, and hire two women to thrash grain, and pay them only fifteen pieces a day, Allah will not bless you, for you have cheated his daughters.  Whatever you pay the man, pay the woman.  If a woman does the same work, give her the same price you give a man.  Allah forbids anything else.  Those that say this isn't so, you should take out and stone.  For they lie about Allah.
10  When you seek to marry, my bretheren and my sisters, seek someone that is three generations from your father.  Do not marry a kinsperson who is any closer related to you than that.  For if you do it will not be well with Allah.  Never marry someone who is of your own house, or, your seed will become weak and your children feeble.
11  Now, if your heart should be drawn to a young widow, my brothers, who has children, do not say to her "I will not have you unless you put these children out, for I do not want them!"  Allah forbid you do that!  No mother should be made separate from her children to enter into another house.  If you take a widow take her children, also, and love them as your own, and give unto them as if they were your own flesh.  If you do this, you will be right with Allah.
12  If any husband takes from his wife what is hers by force, or, by threat against her or any she loves, that husband shall be treated exactly the same as a man who was a perfect stranger and broke into her house and took what was hers.
13  If any woman proves that her husband has stolen from her, she may apply for divorce, and separate from him, and take with her all that is hers including her children, and the husband and his kin must return to her all that was stolen from her.  This is what is right with Allah, and must be done.
14  This, my brothers and sisters, is Allah's Way between man and woman.  Keep Allah's Way.


1  Oh, precious ones, the Glory of Allah, great is His Name!
2  I will speak to you, now, of children, and what they are.  Children are a gift from Allah to their parents, that they might, through them, carry on their generations, and bless Allah.
3  Children are not slaves, nor, are they cattle, nor are they servants.
4  As we are the children of Allah, and in fellowship with Him, our children are in fellowship with us.  They should be taught The Way, and made to understand, and be glorious to Allah.
5  Parents should understand that children are not always going to be what they want them to be. Allah may have other plans for them.  There may be other destinies which they are intended to fulfill.
6  And not all children will stay close at hand, some will go to far places.  But if we have taught them well The Way Of Allah, they will do well.
7  All children should be treated equally, brothers and, sisters.  A father should not put more emphasis on the sons, or, the mother, more emphasis on the daughters.  All should be loved equally, as Allah loves us equally.
8  If a child should leave the Faith and follow another way, they must be disowned.  But they should never be hated.  They should be treated like any other stranger, or, anyone from a foreign land.
9  A child that has forsaken Allah cannot receive inheritance.  But if they are a decent person their brothers and sisters should treat them as they treat all others.  But they must never call them kin.
10  If a child is disobedient, scold first with strong words.  If those are insufficient, use the lash lightly.  If that is insufficient, put them out for a while with someone else.  And if they are still disobedient, put them out entirely.  But never use heavy discipline upon a child.  Never leave a mark on a child that they may show to their children.
11  This is how Allah says it should be done with children.  And if you do these things, you will do well, and Allah will be pleased.

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