1  True believers, keepers of The Faith, I must speak to you this day, of Judgement, and what Allah demands that you must do when someone has done wrong.
2  If it is proven that a man has stolen or cheated others, all that he has stolen must be seized and returned to those that he has stolen from.
3  And if the person has squandered what he has stolen, he will be put to work, all that he owns sold, to pay back those that he has stolen from.
4  If he has a great house, with wives and children, they shall be put out of it to a modest dwelling, and if they cannot fend for themselves, be given an allowance, that they might have enough to eat.
5  But when it comes that they can fend for themselves, that allowance should be stopped.  Every effort should be made to make them self sufficient.
6  It is tradition to lob off a man's hand if he is caught stealing.  But, my beloved, what good does this do?  It means then, that he would have to beg, or, continue stealing.  So it is better to let him keep his hand and put him to work, that he may earn his bread.
7  Now, if he refuses to work, or, steals again, let him be shown no mercy.  The second time lob off his head and put him in a common grave so that no one will know where he lays.
8  For it is a waste of time to try to help those who will not repent, and continue to do evil.
9  Now, when someone is brought before you, my beloved, for judgment, one person, alone, cannot testify against him.  There must be two and, even better, three or four.  The more witnesses to the crime, the better, that justice be well served.
10  But two men will do, and if not two men, a man and a woman.
11  And if not, a woman and a woman;  two women.
12  But before a person can be judged, there must be at least two to speak against them.  The testimony of one is not enough.
13  And be warned by Allah, oh beloved, giving false testimony is the greatest of crimes and Allah's punishment is this- that those doing so receive the same punishment as the person they falsely testified against.
14  So if someone falsely testifies against someone, to have them put to death, and it is found their testimony is false, that they lied, then they who lied shall be put to death.
15  Allah's justice must be sure and equal.  See to it, my beloved that it is.


1  Now, beloved, no matter how long some live we all must face a profound truth.  We are born, we live, we die.
2  It has been told to me by one who knows, that when a man's hour comes, there is none in the universe that can give him but one hour more.
3  Our days, from the beginning, are numbered, and they come to an end.
4  But we should not fear that end, my brothers and my sisters if we live in The Light and The Love Of Allah.  For Allah has given us every opportunity to live forever.  He has given us The Law with Moses, who brought it down from the mountains and gave it to all the people that they might know, and, understand.
5  He gave us redemption through His Son, The Christ, so even those that fell short but repented could have Eternal Life.
6  There is no reason, beloved, that you cannot enter into Paradise, if you do Allah's Will and live according to His Principles.  A true believer does not need to fear death, for they will never see Eternal Death.
7  Death is but to them, the sting of a gnat, a meaningless irritation that should not be feared, whatsoever.  So do not fear death, and do not let those who are frightened of it make you afraid of it to lessen their own fears.
8  Death is but an hour's journey to another Home, to another Place that is beautiful beyond all things.
9  It is true that some will be more glorified than others, because some will do greater things for Allah.  But all who believe in Allah, and follow Allah, will know Paradise.  For this is what Allah has promised, and Allah's promises are always true.
10  So, as death approaches, do not tremble in fear, and be afraid, but greet him warmly, and say "Good day, my friend!"

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