1  Now, my beloved, there is a confusion I must correct among you, for there are evil men that teach that you are in sin from birth, and without doing this sacrifice, or, performing this ceremony, Allah will not let you into Paradise.
2  My beloved, this is a lie!  Paradise, my beloved, is yours from birth because Allah loves you, and because you love Allah.
3  Paradise does not have to be bought by any price, it is a Gift of Allah's Grace.
4  No ceremony, no payment is required to obtain It.  It can be lost by doing evil acts, but it cannot be gained by any act of good.
5  The good things you do, my beloved, determine how much Allah will bless you, how great shall be your Reward in Paradise, but they do not give you Paradise.
6  Paradise is Allah's Gift, is Allah's Joy to His children because they love Him, and He loves them.
7  So do not let a man steal from you, my beloved, by having him tell you that unless you pay me this amount, unless you perform this ceremony, you will not enter into Paradise.
8  Forbid such teachings, my beloved!  Warn those teaching them they are not of Allah and are forbidden.  And if they persist in teaching this put them out of your country, exile them from among you.
9  And if they return again and teach this falseness again, hang them.  For they are creatures of Darkness, and trying to destroy men's Souls with their evil teachings, trying to get men to perform evil and lose Allah's Love.  And such men, my beloved, should not be allowed to live, for they destroy not the flesh, but The Eternal Spirit.
10  Allah gave us all.  Do not let any man, in his own greed to be worshipped, steal any of it.  Allah forbid!


1  Now, beloved, I must teach  you of idols, because there has been strange teachings among you and I must make this thing right with you, for I have seen believers burning images of their Loved Ones from on old and calling them idols and, images.
2  My beloved!  Joy of Allah!  This is not Allah's Teaching.  Do not do such foolish things!  An idol, an image, is something that is made to worship.  It is a surrogate for this god, or, that, and you shall have none of these.
3  True believers shall cast them out of their house and destroy them, but the image of a Loved One, beloved, is not an idol, or a graven image.
4  You do not worship it, you merely show it to visitors, saying "This is my father, who was a good and faithful Servant Of Allah."
5  Allah does not desire that you forget the faces of your Beloved!  No! Nay! Never!  He wishes you to adore all who came before you, and served Him well.
6  Already many of you put the crescent and the star upon your belongings as a symbol of me and the Angel who taught me.  Do you not think, beloved, that this is an image?  But it is an acceptable image, because it reminds you of me and Allah's Messenger.
7  Allah is not displeased with this, as long as the image does not take His place, as long as you understand what you are worshipping, all will be right with Him.
8  Learn, my beloved, the difference in things.  Learn to separate the good from the evil.  Many who serve Christ make a cross and put it up where they worship Allah, as a symbol of the sacrifice that He made for them.  This is not an idol, my beloved, it is a symbol, a sign that Christ is there.
9  You will see many signs of many Teachers.  Before you call them idols learn first, if they are worshipped, if they are prayed to, or if they are merely symbols of The Teachers.  If they are merely symbols, disturb them not.
10  But if they are prayed to, if the people say "This is our God, our God is here in this idol!" then do not abide with them, do not be with them, but depart from them, for they worship evil.
11  This, oh beloved, is what you must understand about The Ways Of Allah, and the ways of idols.  Learn well, my beloved, and understand.

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