1  Oh, my beloved, glorification of Allah, do not practice cruelty!
2  Look at its terrible price.  Look at the great empire of Rome, mighty and powerful, but whose cruelty is beyond measure.
3  The arenas in their cities are filled with the blood of the innocent.
4  And look at what is becoming of them, true believers.  Their great empire is crumbling, the glory that was once theirs is slowly fading away.
5  There will come a time when it will be but a memory.  And this is because of their cruelty.  If they were a kind people, their empire would encompass the world.
6  People would not serve them from fear, but because they are friends.
7  Study carefully, my beloved, what has happened to every cruel nation, and you will not find one that prospered.
8  Therefore, Allah demands that you not be cruel, that you act honorably and justly in all things.  And then surely you will be right with Him, and the world will respect your nations.


1 Oh, beloved, The Joy Of Allah, never forget in all you do, in every action you take that there is coming a Day Of Judgement, when all men will stand before The Throne Of Allah and every secret that they have tried to hide will be made known to all.
2  This Day is but a moment away from your last breath on Earth, is but a second behind your last heartbeat.
3  Be prepared, oh beloved!  Be prepared to stand before Allah with a clean conscience, with a happy heart.
4  Let there be nothing that any can say against you.  Let no one have any grievance to speak of you.  Remember, beloved, that Allah needs only one witness because He knows all, and is the second witness.  So before Allah only one needs to testify to any evil that you have done, and it will condemn you.
5  So do not think that if no one knows what you do Allah will not punish you.  For Allah knows.
6  There is not one thing that can be hidden from Him, my beloved, not one thing that He does not know.
7  So, be, in all things, right with Allah, and Allah will be right with you.
8  And have no fear of the Day that you will be judged, as all men will be judged.


1  Oh, beloved, in my final words in this Koran I will give you the most profound warning of all.  Do not believe in any man who says "If you pay me a certain amount I can remove all sin from you.  I can make you pure before Allah."
2  No man, oh beloved, has this power.  No man can ever have this power.  No matter your wealth you cannot buy repentance.  Repentance must come from a change of attitude, and an undoing of the wrongs that have been done.
3  Allah will know when an effort has been made, and Allah will accept your repentance.  But no man has the power to buy your repentance.  It cannot be bought.
4  If any come among you, saying "God has granted me this power, I can relieve you of your sins, I have been so appointed by the church, give a bit of gold to the church and I will make all things right with you," take that man to your gate and tell him to be gone from your city, for he is a falsity, an abomination, an evil beyond evil.  For he preys on the damned and is a deceiver.  For he knows he has not this power.
5  Remember what I teach you, beloved, and follow Allah's Way, and you will do well.  But follow not the false protectors who seek only the tinkle of gold, and would have you sell to them your own Souls.  Believe them not.
6  But believe what I have taught you, and you will be well with Allah.


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