May 16, 2,002
Questions, Questions, Love Those Questions!

Well, a lot to cover this morning!  Got some interesting questions.  First of all, we have to report that the dead zone being formed at Abadan, Iran, is collapsing ahead of schedule.  It is estimated that it will be in full effect in six and a half to seven days, which will certainly make it easier to open the second one the 20th.  And, speaking of the dead zones, our first question pertains to them.  It went something like this.  "The people in these dead zones are already a little crazy.  Won't taking their spiritual energy away from them make them even crazier?  Aren't they apt to do some insane things, like commit more suicide attacks on The United States, or, attack Israel?  Isn't The Kingdom Of God doing this increasing the danger to the world?"
This is absolutely true, and this is exactly what The Kingdom Of God is hoping for, that the people in these areas will attack The United States, or, Israel, and force the world to destroy them, as The Taliban was destroyed in Afghanistan, as The Nazis were destroyed in Germany, and The Communists destroyed in Russia.  When The Kingdom Of God withdraws Its Power from any people the result is always the same.  One way or another they are destroyed.  That is The Kingdom Of God's goal, Their purpose in doing what They are doing.  There has simply never been a time when people so willingly drew their fate, so willingly destroyed themselves!
The next question we got seems kind of silly, too, but I suppose we have to answer it.  It went "How do you know Jesus' Power is going in to Cincinnati?  Couldn't it be someone else's power?"
Well, duh! How do you know a light bulb comes on when you flick the switch?  You can see it.  You see the light, you see the brilliance.  We can see Jesus' Power.  It is unlike any other power.  It has a frequency all Its own and is easily identified.  So it is rather easy for experienced observers to detect It, and, identify It.
The second part of this question was "Why can't you identify the person using Jesus' Power in Cincinnati?"
Well, if we really, really tried we probably could, but right now we prefer to let individuals that have been touched by Jesus' Power to declare it themselves, rather than identify them and make them public.  Humans have a strange tendency to get upset when they're forced into a situation, even a good situation.  They prefer to commit themselves of their own accord. Whenever possible The Kingdom Of God respects this wish, and allows them to enter Their Service when they are ready.  It's pretty hard to tell which light bulb is being lit by what power, when a lot of light bulbs are being lit.  Right now, in Cincinnati, a lot of light bulbs are being lit, bless their hearts!
Now, on to the next question.  We've been asked "If all this spiritual energy is coming into Fargo, why are you sick?  Why are you being overtaken by arthritis?"
Well, as I explained to a friend a little while ago, though the energy levels are increasing, healing power is still rare and precious.  There's just so much of it to go around, and only a small portion of it can be used for me.  The Lords have kept me going for many years.  If it wasn't for Their Healing Power by now I would be a bedridden invalid or, dead.  So I am receiving my fair share.  The Kingdom Of God is very angry that we do not have the support that we should have by now so I can take it easy, and my physical problems could be easier controlled.  Sadly They are punishing those now who were supposed to have supported us and would not.  There is also the problem of saturation.  Only so much healing power can be used on an individual at a time.  Use too much, and you don't heal them, you kill them.  The power we use to attack those launching psychic attacks against us is very similar to healing power, and that kills instantly!  Too much healing power is not a good thing.
Our final question was one we intended to talk about later, but since it's been put forth we'll answer it now.  Someone came across The Doomed List and asked "Where The Kingdom Of God intends to destroy these people when they die, many of them are running for reelection this year.  Will The Kingdom Of God be opposing their election?"
Absolutely and positively!  The Kingdom Of God will be doing all in Their Power to destroy them, and destroy any who support them, who keep them in power.  Supporting any of the people on The Doomed List in any way is very dangerous.  Check it out!  If you find yourself supporting a politician that's on it, I would strongly advise you to stop!  The Kingdom  Of God is getting nastier and nastier.  They are determined to break The Dark One's power and fully restore Israel, and any that get in Their way are in big trouble!  I wouldn't get in Their way!

**This issue is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!**

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