August 16, 2,002
Attack On Saudis Begins

    Can the power of The Kingdom Of God be questioned?  August 8th It announced It was withdrawing all protection from The Saudi Royal Family.  Seven days later American citizens filed suit against The Saudi Royal Family because of their involvement in the September 11th attack, something people would not have dared to do a few months ago!  The Kingdom Of God already had this effort in the works, and brought it forth quickly after They decided to go after The Saudi Leadership.  This is just a tiny effort. I'm sure The Saudi Royal Family will find themselves having many other difficulties as well! But The Kingdom Of God is flexing Its muscles, letting Its will be known.  The smart, the intelligent, will stay out of Their way!  If they have any dealings with The Saudis they'll end them quickly because they will not want to share their fate.  Remember old King Nebudcanezzer.  He thought he ruled the world until the writing appeared on the wall.  The writing has appeared for The Saudis.  Stay out of The Kingdom Of God's way!
Another group of poor souls have thrown away eternal life.  Linda, yesterday, sent a special mailing out to newspapers, radio, and t.v. stations across the country about the Edinburgh Film Festival.  The only response we got was from KRBC-TV, Abilene, TX,, asking us to remove them from our mailing list.  The request was polite, but Lord Peter's response was the same as it has been.  "If they reject you, if they reject The Kingdom Of God's messages, they reject eternal life, and all that have anything to do with them are removed from The Book Of Life.  They will be given no opportunity to denounce their folly."  These are sad times.  Probably one person made this decision, but in doing so he or she has doomed everyone associated with them in their organization.

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How Can You Believe This?

We were asked that preverbial question again, a while back.  "How can you believe what you believe and still do what you do?  How can you believe that your Ancestors came from the stars, that there is no God, only Infinite Law, and, that you can communicate with The Lord Of Heaven?"
 I answered "How can you believe a man can be born of a virgin, that He can cure lepers, restore the sight of the blind, and, restore the hearing of the deaf?  That He can turn water into wine, that He can walk on water and calm the raging storm?  That He can forgive sins and restore the sinner?  How can you believe all these things?"
"Because I know they are true!"  the person answered.
"Well, so do I!"  I replied.  "I confirm and testify to these things, that this man did these things.  If you believe this is possible, why don't you believe that what I say is possible?"
The person didn't have an answer.  They very rarely do.  Once and a while they say "That's what I can't understand, that  you believe in The Lord and you still believe in these other things.  It doesn't make sense!"
My usual answer is, "It makes perfect sense to me, as what you believe makes perfect sense to yourself.  The important thing is that we not hate each other because we perceive things differently."  The person still didn't quite understand my answer, but he agreed with my thoughts.

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