August 22, 2,002
Good Time At Edinburgh

Well, not much new from The Afterlife, except everybody is excited on how well the film showing went at Edinburgh.  Our associate there said there was a good crowd in the theater already, and many more came in just before our film was shown, and people seemed generally interested.  Unfortunately there was no question and answer session afterwards, but our associate did get to meet the director, Barney Snow, and have a drink with him after the showing.  They took a digital picture and sent it to us over the internet.  Still incredible to us!  Imagine what this would've taken just ten years ago!  He would have had to have taken the picture, have it developed, written a letter, and sent it to us that may have taken a week or more to get here.  Now we have a report in minutes, and even pictures!  The internet is marvelous!  Let's not let the politicians take it away from us.
Sadly, The Kingdom Of God is having to bring out evidence of what The United States allowed in Argentina.  in the 1970s and 80s.  Hopefully The United States will never support such corrupt regimes again for the sake of political interests.  The days of any ally is better than no ally, no matter what they do, are far passed, and should never return.  The United States should not associate itself with nations that abuse their own populace for any reason.

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