August 29, 2,002
Unfair To Saudis?

The Saudi Prince was in Washington talking with Bush, but their real problem is with The Kingdom Of God.
Got a comment that rose some interest in The Kingdom Of God, and quite a bit of discussion.  It was, "Saw your Declaration Of War against The United States.  I thought what The Kingdom Of God said in it was quite profound, that it was not right to make war on people without them knowing, to destroy people without warning. My question is, why haven't you declared war against The Saudis?  What you're doing against them is far worse than what you're doing against The United States.  Is it just and fair to destroy a people that don't even know you're attacking them? I just don't think what you're doing is right."
Well, good question!  And I'll have to admit it took everybody back a bit.  We don't know quite how to answer it.  Part of what this person was saying is true, but The Kingdom Of God feels The Saudis have been well informed about what is happening.  We make our information available to the national media each day, and also to The White House, and They are sure that The Saudis are picking up the information somewhere, simply ignoring it.  Muhammed does say this, however.  If The Saudis feel that it is necessary for them to have The Kingdom Of God's Declaration Of War against them, they can send a representative to  fetch it.  But he does not want us sending them one.  It is for the servants to come to their Caliph, and not for their Caliph to go to them, especially when they refuse his service.  But if The Islamic World wishes clarification of their doom, this we will give them if they will come and fetch it.  But The Servant Of God cannot enter into their unholy ground.  This is the end of Muhammed's statement.
And again we must clarify that we are doing nothing.  We are only the reporters telling what The Kingdom Of God is doing.  We're only the messengers.  The Chief Architect of this struggle, The Chief Guide of it that everyone else is following is Father Abraham, who developed this Peace Process to finally settle the arguments between his descendants once and for all.  Everyone else in The Kingdom Of God supports him in every way, and insists that his desires be fulfilled. We're only his voices.
We have run into a strange new phenomena.  Ordinary Spirits in The Afterlife won't have a thing to do with us!  A dear friend asked us to get some information from her dearly departed uncle.  My Spirit Worker put out the message and the only reply she got was a message saying that "Don't they know the living aren't supposed to communicate with The Dead?"  Another wanted some information from his grandmother and the only message we could get was that she did not wish to communicate with individuals of our power.  She did not want to become involved in our 'holy mess' as she put it.  She says she'll try to send a message through somebody locally.  This is an increasing difficulty we are facing.  Even members of our own family in The Afterlife are shying away from us including my own mother and father, and Linda's material father.  But her mother and aunt have taken some interest in The Work.
It is hard to make people understand that as we become more involved with The Higher Powers, with The Leaders in The Afterlife, the ordinary Souls stay away from us and do not want to work with us, because we are so involved with The Powers That Be.  It is a very strange phenomena!

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