September 12, 2,002
No 9/11 In Heaven

Got one of those questions that is really hard to answer.  What were the services like for 9/11 in The Kingdom Of God?  Well, to explain it bluntly, there weren't any.  The Kingdom Of God and The United States are at war.  Though The Kingdom Of God regrets what happened on 9/11 a year ago, It cannot, in any way, honor those who died, as long as the government of The United States still holds to the idea of surrendering Israeli land to The Palestinians for the sake of peace.  Until this idea is dropped and never again considered, The Kingdom Of God cannot honor any American citizen.  Some may consider this hard and cruel, but it is just the way things are, as The American People support their government's position, The Kingdom Of God cannot support The American People.
I have also been instructed, today, to announce that there will be no Christmas celebrations this year, either on Christ's TRUE date of birth, September 29th,  or, the traditional celebration in December.  Nor, will there be any Thanksgiving celebrations.  No religious holidays whatsoever, will be celebrated henceforth, until Hillary Clinton is out of office and Jesus retakes His throne.
All energies, all of The Kingdom Of God's power will be going to defending Israel, and, defeating Hillary, removing her from office...the two immediate conditions necessary to return Jesus to His throne.
The Kingdom Of God supports The American Campaign to deal with Saddam Hussein, but It can give The American Military no assistance in that Campaign.  These are strange times, and they grow stranger each day.  The Kingdom Of God is fighting back in any way It can.  The very survival of mankind depends on Their success, but in fighting back They have to hurt some people.  They don't like doing that, They don't like doing that at all, but when nothing else works They have to do it.
Listening to Jon Gaunt on The BBC this morning.  They were talking about children vandalizing cemeteries and how they should be punished.  I knew The Kingdom Of God's feelings on this were strong, but I asked Lord Peter what should be done in this matter, and his answer was clear and precise.  "If the individuals committing these acts are under twelve years old they should be taken to the community's public square, stripped, and given ten good blows on the buttocks with a broad belt, by their fathers.  If they are over twelve years old, and adults, they should be taken to the public square and hung.  There is no greater crime than disturbing the resting places of the dead, no greater sacrilege, no greater humiliation to anyone, and those that do it do not deserve to live.  This is The Kingdom Of God's way."  I don't think it would be very popular with The Libertarians!

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