August 6, 2,002
They Don't Get It!

Kingdom Of God irate at Catholics' excommunication of women who had been ordained priests.  A Cardinal says that women have a definite place in The Catholic Church, and Those in The Kingdom Of God answer "Definitely, yes, as sex slaves to the bishops and cardinals, but as nothing else!"
Every time some small measure of pardon is considered for The Catholic Church they again show their total ignorance to The Truth Of God, and return to the false teachings that the early converted priests brought into the church, and forced out The True Teachings of Jesus and The Apostles.
Somebody asked a while back why the dead zones in Europe are in primarily Catholic countries.  Here's a damned good reason!
Went to the doctor yesterday.  My foot is holding its own.  Blood pressure is still a problem.  Trying to adjust medication to make that a little bit better.  But he had no idea what caused my lost afternoon Thursday.  He said that was one of the strangest things he'd ever heard!
Went to the doctor yesterday.  My foot is holding its own.  Blood pressure is still a problem.  Trying to adjust medication to make that a little bit better.  But he had no idea what caused my lost afternoon Thursday.  He said that was one of the strangest things he'd ever heard!
John Lennon has written a great new song for the upcoming political campaign.  It would make a great theme song for The Republicans!  It's called "Vote Republican!," and everybody in The Afterlife is singing it to get vibrations through to the material world.  Here's just a few lines to show everyone why Those in The Afterlife are enjoying it so much.

If you want there  to be Heaven
you'd better vote Republican!

Jesus won't take His Throne
'cause Hillary is such a bitch!
Teddy wants to run
but he's got the Chappaquiddick itch.

The companies want to donate
but their books are such a mess,
social security doesn't matter
if everybody's dead.

These are just a few of the lines in this little ditty.  Can you imagine this playing on radio stations across the country before November 2?  It is amazing how these little ditties generate power!  Those in The Afterlife can talk to the living all day and get virtually nothing, but when They sing one of John's little ditties in their vacinity they begin to respond and turn towards The Kingdom Of God's purposes, and, away from the dark ones!  It is said music has charms to to soothe the savage beast, it also has magic to open people's souls!
This ends today's transmission.

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