October 8, 2,002
John Lennon To His Friends "Tell Others!"

Tomorrow is John Lennon's birthday, and he wanted to send a special message, so we took it down earlier.  I think it's quite important, and people should really listen.


I am glad I have this opportunity to talk to you from The Great Beyond, and I want to especially take this time to speak to some of my old friends.  There has been much talk that I have changed greatly.  That I am not the man that I was before I died.  But actually I had begun to change before I died.  Before my death I had begun to speak to people, begun to comment that I was beginning to think that some of my attitudes, some of the things I believed were beginning to change.  I was not so agreeable to drugs as I had been.  I was beginning to see what they were doing to me, and to other people around me, and was seriously considering beginning to speak out on this subject.  I was also beginning to feel that there were things worth fighting for.  I still hated violence for violence's sake but I was beginning to understand that sometimes to defend the innocent, to defend what was right, there had to be those who would stand up and say "This can be tolerated no more!"  and be willing to risk their lives to make that point clear.
These were drastic but not too drastic changes in my attitudes, and I am sure people were beginning to know that I was having them.  Well, I have now found things worth fighting for, and I am fighting for them with every fragment of my being.  I am fighting for them with my entire Soul.  I wish people to know that I am fighting for them, I wish people to know that I still love them but I can no longer look at dark things and say "Well, that's o.k., they're just doing their thing.  Leave them alone."  Because the things they are doing are harming others, and, themselves.
I ask those that knew me to tell people how I was changing, and what was taken from me, what I was cheated out of by that monster that slew my physical form.  I never had a chance to tell people that in my youth I'd been a little off the mark, that I'd wandered away a little bit from the truth.  I never got to tell people that the drugs were wrong and it was all right to fight to protect the innocent.  I was cheated out of that in my life, but now I'm doing it here.  Help people understand I haven't changed that much.  It's still John Lennon.  Thank you.

Yours In The Service Of The Ruler Of Heaven
Now And Forever,

John Lennon
Apostle Designate To Jesus Of Nazareth

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